Everyone gets a little anxious now and then, even the
most laid back of folk (oh, how I envy those types), but for some of us, our
anxiety antennae is always turned on to Super Sensitive – Highly Receptive.
How to describe it to those who don’t suffer from
Ok, you know that feeling you get when you go over a
dip in the road? Or when you are on a
roller coaster and it dips suddenly?
Your tummy does a flip flop and drops to the bottom of your body and
your heart starts racing. Adrenalin rushes through your body, much like the
‘fight / flight’ response that all humans are programmed to have.
For most people, once this physical chain of events /
feelings happen, it quickly passes by and you return to a state of equilibrium
– normal, aware, but without the heightened state. Which is just as well because staying in that
heightened state is exhausting! Imagine
having your tummy in your shoes, your heart racing and adrenalin rushing
through your body all the time!
Well, that is what it feels like for anxious types.
And yes, it is exhausting.
I don’t suffer from panic attacks, thank goodness. And
my anxiety is not debilitating, but it is exhausting at times. Most of the time, I like being slightly on
edge, I like the buzz – I get a huge amount of stuff done. It is how I manage
to do two jobs, write, kids, etc etc. I
like living on the adrenalin, but if I don’t be careful, it gets too much for
me. And then my anxiety antennae gets stuck on Super Sensitive.
I’ll give you an example. I listen to the radio, and I
hear the presenters talking about the soccer world cup, the 2010 event that
South Africa is hosting. There seems to
be a general fear among some in SA that we won’t be ready in time. Now, some people might listen to this and
think ‘who cares’, others might listen to it and think ‘oh shit, that wont be
good’. Still others might stress a
little about it, you know, get that little adrenalin surge for a few seconds. Like me. Except that my surge doesn’t subside. I start feeling a little anxious. I don’t
fret about the stupid World Cup, but the physical side effects of the surge
don’t abate. The anxiety meter
rises. Over the bloody soccer world
cup!!! I don’t even like soccer!
Then, a car might cut in front of me, nothing serious,
but I get another little surge.
Then I look at my inbox and see I have 40 unread
emails, and I get more surge.
Then I think about all the people who have emailed me
and are waiting for a reply and now must think I don’t like them, and imagine
how hurt they must be feeling, they reached out to me and I didn’t even bother
responding, and I get more surge.
The news comes on the radio about a child who was
abused, I try frantically to switch the radio off because kid stories make my
anxiety meter explode, but I am too late, the image is burnt into my
conscious. HUGE SURGE.
And on and on it goes.
It is exhausting! And of course, the more anxious I get, the more my
sensory stuff goes ape shit. I become
even more sensitive to noises, heat, textures. By the end of the day my nerves
are frazzled.
Some days are better than others. Actually, most days
are good. 90% of the time, I am on the right side of the edge – buzzing, but
not strung out. I am on an excellent AD
that helps with anxiety, I am quite revolting when I am not on them. But still,
there are some days I am baaaad. A bit
like today.
I wish I could switch it off. Try yoga you say. Try
meditation you suggest. All that
relaxing makes me extremely anxious!
Work doesn’t help of course, that adds HUGELY to my
anxiety, but at the same time, I love it so much, I don’t think I could ever
give it up. It feeds both parts of me –
the good and the bad.
I can feel when it gets too much though. And then I force myself to step away from
what ever I am doing. And even though my
kids can drive me CRAZY sometimes, they are also such a good tonic for me. I shut my laptop and we all get in the car
and go to the park. Or the library. Or anywhere actually. They force me to stop the world around me and
focus just on their simple joy.
Please don’t tell me to ‘just relax’ or to stop being
so anxious because it is bad for me / the baby / my kids / my health etc. I
know all of that and it just makes me more anxious. Being anxious is not like smoking, or
thinking negative thoughts or picking at a scab. It isn’t something I choose to
do, and it isn’t something I can just talk myself out of. I wish I could! It is something that is chemical, it is
something in my make up. Sure, there is
a large mental component, which is why I also go see my absolutely gorgeous and
divine shrink, who is the cleverest person alive. But some people are just wired differently, and
I am one of those people.
There are good sides to having a Super Sensitive
Anxiety Antennae – I am a lot more sensitive to other people’s feelings, I care
deeply (too deeply) about other people, and as I said, most of the time I like
it. I like the buzz, the edge. I like
operating at a hundred miles an hour. I detest sitting around doing
nothing. In fact, I suck at sitting
around doing nothing, which is why my laptop / cell phone / blackberry are
always with me.
But there are times when even I have to admit that I
need to stop, take a deep breath, compose myself and then only carry on. I can only do so much, I can only care so
much about other people / things / emails / jobs / soccer events. Sometimes I need to just stop the world and
get off for a little bit. And yes, when
I do decide to get off, I am not allowed to take my laptop / my cell phone / my
Blackberry etc with me. Damn!
Anyway, no real point to this post. Just wanted to
share. (getting bored with this topic
now, need to do something else ;-))
Edited to add:
After waking up feeling particularly edgy today, I decided to pop two
Rescue Remedy pills and went for a massage. WELLLLLL, I think I have found my
cure! I even fell asleep towards the
end! De-effing-licious. Am thinking
about leaving husband for massage therapist.
(Was tempted to take my laptop with me to massage appointment, thinking
‘can’t waste an hour’ but thought it might be counter productive to have laptop
open while getting massaged. Glad I
didn’t. I do however, take my laptop
with me when getting hair done, having a pedi etc. Love that laptop. If I don't marry massage therapist, might marry laptop. Will be tough call between the two. Marko who?)
PS Dad, if you read this, I am fine, promise! (my dad has just started reading my blog, five years after I started writing. The poor man is not used to reading about my slightly insane side ;-))