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I pretty do exactly what you do, my worst is dodging the buckets in my small shower. After the water restrictions are lifted (please Lord), I don't think I'll ever look at water the same again. I'll certainly
never take it for granted again.

We were the same here in the other SA (South Australia) 5-10 years ago. Buckets everywhere, no sprinklers allowed so all the lawns were dead. Now, thanks to climate change I guess, we're having the wettest summer for 50 years. Gardens are all going crazy, even the countryside is green which is UNHEARD of in February. No doubt our turn for the drought will come again though. Good luck with the buckets and the washing.

My sister lives in Cape Town and had to go over to her neighbour last week to give him an earful, as he was using his irrigation in the MIDDLE OF THE DAY! She's worried he will burn her house down now ;)

OMG you crack me up with the laundry comments. Thanks for being a good citizen of Mother Earth. Been following your blog for over 10 years now.

We are 6 yrs into a historic drought in California, with Southern California being hit very hard. Finally, just this season (and even as I type this), we have gotten enough rain and snow to pull the majority of the state out of drought. Nonetheless, conservation efforts MUST continue since we will find ourselves here again, in no time.

My sons haven't known living when water is plentiful and I am grateful that they already know how to behave where water is concerned, behaviors that will serve them well throughout their lives. There is no reason to waste water, a precious resource in a world of bigger and bigger populations and it's never to be taken for granted.

I feel exactly the same way about laundry. It is SOOOO hard to resist the siren song of the washer. But I try and usually succeed.

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