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Those are some fabulously detailed floor plans. How old is Kate, again? My sister was 11 or 12 when she started drawing floorplans and pretending to be an architect for fun, and she went on to become one for real! Maybe Kate's future is being heralded. :)

Thanks Sara :) I actually spoke to her this evening about what an architect is, and that it could possibly be a great career option for her. She is 11 years old now.

Oh I love this! I have drawn house plans since I was a girl and well, still do today! A has already told us she is not going to university anywhere than Pretoria because she is staying with us - always

Reading this with a tear - my daughter asked me so carefully, a few years ago, whether girls can marry girls. And I said, yes, they can. And she had this big smile. And I asked whyyyyyyyy and she said she is going to marry me. xx

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