If I had to pick only one word to use to describe Adam, it would be 'kind'. He is such a kind-hearted, kind-spirited child. He is my sweet, loving, kind boy. He will offer you his last sweet, his seat, his turn. (Whereas his twin sister - not so much). I was reading through our Whatsapp messages* last night and it made me smile:
2014/01/07, 6:40:36: Tertia: Morning birthday boy :)
2014/01/07, 6:41:43: Adam: Thanks mom
2014/01/07, 11:42:47: Adam: Mom I am hot and David
2014/01/07, 11:43:05: Tertia: You are hot?
2014/01/07, 11:45:10: Adam: I am hot because I have been running around. We also went on xrider
2014/01/07, 11:46:54: Tertia: Are you having fun?
2014/01/07, 11:47:18: Adam: Yes
2014/01/07, 11:47:45: Tertia: Good :)
2014/01/07, 11:47:54: Tertia: ❤️
2014/01/07, 11:49:08: Adam: Love you
2014/01/07, 11:49:30: Tertia: Love you too 👍
2014/01/07, 11:50:20: Adam: Bye mom
2014/01/07, 11:54:09: Tertia: Bye boy
2014/01/07, 11:54:52: Adam: See you later
2014/01/07, 11:55:33: Tertia: Yes
2014/01/08, 11:19:20: Adam: Hi mom
2014/01/08, 11:25:30: Tertia: Hi boy. What you doing?
2014/01/08, 11:28:41: Adam: We at movies waiting for popcorn
2014/01/08, 11:28:52: Tertia: Cool. Enjoy it!
2014/01/08, 11:29:09: Adam: Ok
2014/01/08, 11:49:01: Adam: Love you
2014/01/08, 11:49:28: Tertia: Love you too
2014/01/08, 13:37:18: Adam: Mom we are on are on our way home
2014/01/08, 13:40:11: Tertia: Looking forward to seeing you.
2014/01/08, 16:24:28: Tertia: Hi
2014/01/09, 8:49:44: Adam: Hi
2014/01/09, 8:52:10: Tertia: Hi boy. What u doing?
2014/01/09, 9:00:49: Adam: We are playing on our I Pashtun
2014/01/09, 9:03:41: Adam: Mom what cheese do I eat
2014/01/09, 9:09:15: Tertia: Gouda
2014/01/09, 9:29:32: Adam: Mom where is my j board
2014/01/09, 12:14:39: Adam: Mom I am loving my phone
2014/01/13, 17:05:12: Adam: Mom I am at Mimi's house and now we are going the shops
2014/01/13, 17:06:52: Tertia: Good boy. Enjoy. Xx
2014/01/13, 17:53:25: Tertia: Are you home now?
2014/01/13, 20:24:19: Tertia: Sleep tight. Love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
2014/01/13, 21:04:24: Adam: Good night mom love you
2014/01/14, 7:46:24: Tertia: Morning
2014/02/08, 17:24:34: Tertia: Hey boy, you having fun?
2014/02/08, 20:30:12: Tertia: I hope you are having a lovely time. Sleep tight. I love you ❤️❤️
2014/02/09, 12:39:24: Adam: Mom when must I come home
2014/02/15, 12:15:18: Adam: When are you come in home
2014/02/15, 12:15:36: Tertia: 30 mins
2014/02/15, 20:35:00: Adam: I love you
2014/02/15, 20:54:20: Tertia: I love you xx
2014/02/15, 20:54:27: Tertia: ❤️❤️❤️
2014/02/15, 20:58:53: Adam: I love you lots good night momy
2014/02/15, 21:09:09: Tertia: Good night my gorgeous son. Sleep tight. Sweet dreams. ❤️
* The twins got (hand-me-down) iPhones for their birthday because I want to be able to contact them when they are out / at sleep overs. It has proven to be very useful.
PS Even though he is very kind and sweet and he loves his mom, he is also very cool and so I am not allowed to do any PDAs at school anymore. No obvious hugging to say goodbye in the morning in case I ruin his cred. Which makes these messages even more precious.
Kate cares less what other people might think and so I get lots of hugs and kisses when I say goodbye in the morning.
Adam at the rugby sleepover - he was SO excited to go!