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Yes, I'm glad you put down Woolworths! Glad you had a good trip.

Having been to Cape Town six times now I feel nostalgic for it. More so than coming "home". I love my family, house, my garden but what happens when your heart is elsewhere? Mexico (where I lived for a year) and South Africa pull on my heartstrings. My feet feel like they are in the earth when I am in those two places and I feel like myself. You are very lucky to go "home" there.

Amen to that!

I LOVE being away and I immerse fully when I'm away but the minute I leave my last destination for the airport, I can't wait to get home.

And then I LOVE being at home again :)

Is wine inexpensive in South Africa? I have GOT to move there! Or at least visit.

I have never avoided drinking tap water in the UK or Holland. Is that unusual?

You can drink the tap water in London and Holland !

You forgot to mention Woolies twice.......

Going away is a great way to unwind and fit in some marathon shopping. But I always miss the people, scents and sounds of home. I think it makes us appreciate them more when you go away for a bit.

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