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You forgot to fetch Kate from school! What time does school start there?

Hee, hee sweet revenge. I was doing this shift when you we shared an office and you would flounce in looking all fresh, relaxed and glam :-)
Thankfully it comes to pass. :-)

holy crap what an awful day!

Oh my lordy. That brought back vivid memories for me - waking up to that croupy sounding cough, crying through nebulizers...phew...all I can say is fast forward 6 years and we're done with that. Thank.God.

I also work from home, so I can totally relate to the rest of your schedule too, except I'm not quite as busy! Good luck!

Your kids are only in school until 12:45? Is that a typical day?

Hope it was a better day yesterday!

I hope Max is feeling better. You too!

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