Last night at about 2am I was startled awake by what sounded like someone strangling our cat. It was a half cry, half screech. It was particularly concerning as we do not in fact have a cat. Neither do any of our neighbours.
Just as my heart-rate settled, I heard the sound again. This time I sat bolt upright.
As I sat up, Marko sat up too and said "What's wrong?"
"I think I hear one of the children crying" I replied
We both sat there listening..
"It's probably something outside" he said, "go back to sleep".
I was still under the influence of my sleeping pill so the mind was a big foggy, but I knew I heard something. I played it back in my mind. Suddenly it seemed familiar, I had heard similar sounds before.
"Maybe it is coming from your nose" I said helpfully. (Marko's snoring has been particularly, um, LOUD recently.)
"Maybe it is coming from your butt" he replied, most unhelpfully as he turned on his side and went back to sleep.
The noise was not coming from a cat nor was it coming from my butt. Thankfully, neither was it any of the children crying. It WAS actually coming from his nose/throat/snoring organ. Next time I am going to stay awake and record it so that I can use it as my ring tone for my cellphone.
Men! Can't live with them; can't sleep next to them either.
Get him in for a sleep study. Loud snoring can be a warning sign of a serious health issue.
Posted by: AJ | 19 May 2013 at 02:11 PM
That is hilarious. His comment was unhelpful indeed.
Posted by: Sara | 20 May 2013 at 01:33 AM
Posted by: Karien | 20 May 2013 at 09:24 AM
I echo AJ: it's possible Marko has sleep apnea, which can be very bad for one's health.
Posted by: Anne | 20 May 2013 at 08:42 PM
reminds me of a time when one of my sister's kids stayed with us, sleeping in the same room as my two girls. my youngest came screaming out into the living room saying there was a lion in her bedroom. i went to investigate, and it was my niece snoring - sounded like the growl of a rather large lion. we laugh about it now, but she had really bad asthma and adenoids back then so was probably struggling to breathe properly.
Posted by: ruth | 22 May 2013 at 12:08 AM