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Wow... I can't believe he's four already!
And yay for a good party.

I read the title as "I hate panties" so as it turns out, you're less weird than I thought. Or this post is less weird than I thought. You're still just as weird.

You're not odd, you're awesome. As your friend, as much as I rag you about hugs and times, I love you for it, but you know that. Smooches.
Ps. What is normal anyway?
Pps: signed, your completely OCD friend.

I also hate being invited to, hosting parties. Sucks! Dress up ones are the WORST - and I have to go to one tonight. Not a happy camper.
I do however LOVE organising my daughters birthday parties and do everything. The joys of one child, once a year is perfect for me and more and I would outsource it too.

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