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Marko is sweet and you are very patient. Sending feel-better wishes.

Ag Shame. He did try ;)

You have a remote for your air condition?! So not fair. Hope you are all better!

Oh no. I'm so sorry so many of you have been sick, glad Kate and Adam are recovered. And Marko's comment about the LO: good grief! All that said, I am Marko and my DH is you, so I (slightly) feel Marko's pain except that recently my DH was sick and I was all, "get over it!" and then *I* caught what he'd had. Often this pattern involves him being MISERABLE for WEEKS and me having a runny nose for a couple of days, but not this time, and rather than being a jerk (as I deserved) he was really sweet, kept our kindergartener out of my hair and even brought me flowers while I recuperated. I felt guilty!

Hope all are 100% at your house soon.

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