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Notes to self
1. baby doesn't get ball with holes in it
2. baby doesn't get to go to extra reading lessons

Oh my word, so flipping hilarious! I can't stop laughing. Bloody fool!

LOL. Thanks for the giggle! Your life might just be a smidgen more crazy than everyone elses :P

Hi Tertia~
Glad to see things haven't changed much in the last few years! :) My BFF's son did something similar on the first day she brought home the new Lexus except she unwisely chose to cut the seat belt off him first then the toy.

Those cat toys with bells make remarkably good children's toys. Gwen loves the ones ostensibly belonging to Slinky (I recently bought a new one, and wasn't sure myself whether it was for Gwen or the cat). On the flip side, Gwen has a set of blocks which have little plastic pieces that fit in the side, and Slinky has decided these are great for batting across the floor. So it all evens out.

I'm sitting at my desk laughing like a fool!

HAHAH I know it is not funny but yes I can so relate to family dramas just like that! Keep drinking to stay sane I say!

Oh funny!

LMAO! My daughter did that once with something. I don't even remember what, it was 5 years ago! I remember having to break it to get her finger out of it and I remember her screaming more about her broken toy than her finger being stuck. I hope your little one is ok! :)

Right there with you, Tertia! My littlest broke her arm 2 weeks ago falling off the monkey bars at school, my oldest has a stress fracture and bone trauma from a basketball tournament this past weekend, and Sunday I fell down the stairs (at the tournament too) and broke my foot! We are a bone challenged family. Knocking on wood that our roof doesn't start leaking!:D Loved the catball story, and hope you ran out and bought him a ball with no holes.

Max is quite a little character! Not chuckling coz he got hurt - more at the drama and how it unfolded. You need truck loads of chardonnay!

OMW you sure have had an interesting few weeks.
Amazing how those 'cheap 'toy buys can come back to bite us in the ass all too often.

ikinci el mobilya makinesi

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