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I love how the numbers come after, and 8 needs special directions :)

I love what a tom boy she is. Your kids are unique and awesome, just like you.
The 'middle sized snake' slayed me.

Definitely go for the snake, though perhaps, since she's young, go small rather than midsized. I was 7 when I first decided I wanted a pet snake, and 10 when I got my first one -- a garter snake. I had three garter snakes in succession before my parents let me get a ball python when I was 14 or 15. Garter snakes are delightful. They're easily tameable, so that they'll twine around your fingers and sit there comfortably, they don't take up that much space, are relatively easy to clean up after, and it's lots of fun watching them chase and eat their worms and goldfish.

Is she talking about a REAL snake??? Between rats and snakes, I will never drop by your house...

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