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I need to do this, but my husband swears its bad for me. He doesn't believe that running does not damage your body, no matter what I show him.

This is all awesome except for one thing, allow me: Running DEFINITELY makes you loose weight. Amen. That's all I'm saying. The most awesome exercise ever.

First I would like to say that you ARE a runner! I've been running for three years now and it took me a long time to call myself a runner so I understand where you are coming from. But doing a 5k in 33 minutes is a good time for anyone but is a really awesome time for a newbie! And the fact that you did a 10k is even more impressive. My first summer of running I did all 5k races and ended with a 10k. My second season I did mostly 10ks and ran my first half marathon about half way through. Now I'm in my third season and I started with a half marathon. This Sunday I have my fourth half marathon but it is my 5th race 10 miles and over. On Labor Day I will run an extremely hilly 25k race! But I am by no means very fast. I started out at a little over a 10 minute mile and have worked my way up to a little over a 9 minute mile. I know some runners are elitist about speed but you will find that the majority of us are supportive and happy that people are just getting out there and moving!

Just wanted to comment and say that although I did not lose much weight from running, I have lost two dress sizes. It is as if everything simply tightened up all over my body. That is my wish for you. Also, I've been running for a little over two years and still cannot consistely run a pace of less than 11 minutes per mile.

I totally am there with you - I've been following her advice too and am running my first 10k Dec 1! Woo hoo!

So gad you are enjoying it and well done one your race! Proud of you!!
(I'm grumpy cos I started a stupid tonsilitis cold last night and the weather was horrendous, so no run or anything for me. In fact I felll asleep at 6pm while snuggled under a blanket with the boys just trying to warm up!) But really running becomes so much part of your life that you often can't wait to get out. It is completely my ME time and I love the social aspect at the races and the bit of competitiveness too!

There an 8km race on Sunday in Calremont BTW - the Don Lock Memorial. A nice easy flat run too.

Argh. I thought I was running 'fast' at 7 on the treadmill, incline=1... Turns out I already run slowly! I an trying the couch to 5k program, on week 8 (yeah, I started 12 weeks ago, but at least I am still trying). What do you suggest for boredom on the treadmill? By 10 mins I am watching the clock and ready to gouge my eyes out...

Alex for boredom go run outside. SO much more fun and interesting, and better for you too. Treadmill leads to RSI as you don;t get full range of motion.

5k's in 33 mins is flippin brillian! I run at an average rate of 7mins per km. I do 3 runs a week - 2 x 3km runs (around my property) and 1x12km (hilly) on the road. I have been doing it since Sept last year, and like you, the bug bit. Now I'm hoping to run my first half marathon next year at the 2 Oceans. Maybe we'll see you there? :) keep it up - you will loose weight - I've lost 12kg's, and feel fab. Just try to watch what you eat a little :)

Go, you! And thank you because, through you, I found my way to Doctor Mama's running stuff and ... oddly ... I seem to have started ... running. It is quite an amazing thing. I tried C25K sometime back and really couldn't stand it, I think because (although I rnderstand the Merits of Interval Training and appreciate that many people find C25K FABULOUS) it kept requiring me to stop running (that part was OK) and then to ... start ... again ... oh ... please ... not that. Anything but that! Now I just have to find ~3 blocks of 50 minutes per week (I only run for 30, but allowing for change of clothes, cooldown, possibly a shower, etc.) and run, very, very slowly. And I am actually, well, enjoying it might be a bit strong, but enjoying knowing that I am doing it. So, thank you.

Congratulations on completing your first 10K! That's very exciting. I have thought about getting back to running but with our daily obligations it's not easy at times and yes, I do know that making it a priority would work :)

I first gave up my passion for running back in 2007 when I found out I was pregnant after completing a 20 mile training run for a marathon... so, I decided I'd complete my training after my daughter was born. Almost 5 years later, I have yet to fulfill that promise i made to myself. I did however, manage to put on so much weight that I was considered obese. I lost that weight going from obese to fit to super fit in about 14 months and competing in a bikini category competition. Yeah, i did that. Having that as a goal, as scary as it sounded was what made it possible for me. I did NOT feel comfortable standing in a bikini having my body judged... but when it was all said and done, I realized I had earned my right to be on that stage. Maybe, just maybe i may do that again (or not). I do however, want to continue to take care of my health and fitness now that I'm 44. :)

I can't wait to check doctormama's website :)

Love this post. I have never had a runner's body type either and while I exercise, running has always been a daunting way to work out. I am going to try your tip!

I've started running lately, after having knee surgery. I used to take the baby just for walks, but now the walks have turned into little jogs that are getting longer and longer. Running slow is great advice, especially if you aren't with a pack. Thanks for sharing!


Yeah, Tertia! Welcome to the fold :)!!!

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