If 'boo hoo' and 'poor me' are not your cup of tea today, please close this window immediately because I am about to beat my chest and wail about how miserable I am feeling at the moment.
Before I begin with my bleating, let me just say that my life is awesome in a million different ways and I am incredibly lucky to have what I have. Seriously. I know this and I am grateful every single day.
Good, now that we have that over with, let me tell you how much my life sucks at the moment!
I have had a cold for a week now which will not go away. I feel constantly woolly headed and snotty nosed. We are having a heatwave at the moment (hello Summer, like WTF? Didn't you say goodbye a few weeks ago? What's with the redux?) Nothing worse than having a head cold during a heat wave.
My children are badly behaved, each one of them, and it is all my fault because I work too hard and spend far too little time with them, even though I work from home and am around just about 24/7. Adam is having emotional meltdowns (STILL!! At age 7!!), Kate is having serious attitude problems (think teenager attitude in a 7 year old) and Max is bloody naughty at home and at school. They also eat shockingly and I worry constantly that they are getting enough nutrients and whether I am scarring them for life because it is obviously all my fault that (a) I can't / don't cook and (b) I am too soft/busy/stressed to force them to eat vegetables and proper food. All I can say is thank god for vienna sausages, yoghurts and cheese because otherwise my kids would starve to death.
Oh, and Max is still not potty trained because his mother is too useless and too busy to have potty trained him yet. Can you spell L O S E R!
I am worried about some big (and small) stuff that is going on in our personal lives and in the personal lives of really close family and friends. Stuff that I obviously can't talk about.
I am not looking after myself properly, even though I know I should because I am either too stressed or too busy. I feel flabby, spotty, wrinkly, too thin and too fat at the same time. Oh, and my hair is getting frizzier by the day. WTF?!? Frizzy hair, spotty skin and too thin/too flabby body - I just know you feel immensely attracted to me right now.
Last night I spent half the night walking between Max's room and my room and the other half trying to sleep for longer than 5 minutes in whatever space I could find - my bed / Max's bed / the passage. So I now look a hundred years old. Which goes really well with spotty, frizzy and flabby.
And to top it all, I had a (minor) argument with my husband last night even though he was just trying to be nice to me. He made a joke, I didn't think it was funny, I snapped at him and hurt his feelings.
So that is pretty much my life at the moment. Sucky, busy and ugly.
All I can say is that at least I have a friend in Chardonnay. "Ye shalt not walk alone (or upright) with Chardonnay at your side". Cheers.
Some photos of the good things in my life (even if they are naughty)
A rare 'family bath' (normally Kate refuses to bath in 'boy water'). I love how different their complexions are. Adam is fairly dark, Kate is medium and Max is fair.
Adam is very into his sport now, so we play cricket a lot. Kate and Max relaxing under the tree (don't worry, we played with a soft ball in this game)
Here we played with the hard ball. Which unfortunately hit him on the leg. OUT LBW!
I can relate to the meltdowns and worrying about nutrition.
Sounds like you need a bit of balance. Working hard is great - we all need the money but we need to spend time with our family too. Thats sometimes more important.
Use all the support you can. Support systems are a must.
Posted by: A Daft Scots Lass | 13 April 2012 at 11:00 AM
i would cut my right arm off to have three kids you are very lucky, sadly some of us dont have a life after infertility. work less and spend more time with your gorgeous kids, doesnt matter that you dont want to cook!
Posted by: Carrie | 13 April 2012 at 01:03 PM
Carrie, she knows she's lucky and she made a point of saying that from the start. She's allowed to feel low and just needs a bit of support and virtual hugs and not of the 'pull yourself together' variety!
Lots of love to you. I hope it's just a blip. x
Posted by: [email protected] | 13 April 2012 at 02:00 PM
Doesn't Rose cook? I'd send her on a cooking course that involves mega nutrition - your problem is solved!!!
The Bunny is currently mutilating all cream filled biscuits -the cream gets eaten and the biscuit gets tossed in the bin.
To top it off she had a hateful time at the holiday club and is now teary and miserable at aftercare, which previously she adored with her whole heart forever!
Hold up... just pouring that Chardonnay!
Posted by: Student Mom (Jenn) | 13 April 2012 at 03:08 PM
Tertia, you are a wonderful, loving mom - I just wish I had a mother like you are. Who cares about the potty training and the eating habits! At the end of the day your children know in their hearts that you love them so much it hurts you. And that is all it counts. BTW, I was quite lazy with potty training, too - in the end the daycare did it for us, and since we started so late it went superfast.
I am so sorry to hear that there are family problems going on - I do so hope they can be resolved, and that everybody in your family is healthy.
Big hugs!! - oh no, forgot you don't like it. Hmmm - take care!!
Posted by: Nicole | 13 April 2012 at 03:13 PM
If its any comfort you and about ever Mom in the world feels the same, just most don't have the balls to admit it. Possibly we are crap mothers but I think a lot more entertaining then a Stedford wife. I remember looking at my 5 year old, my 2 1/2 year old and my new baby, all where sitting on the couch in nappies and drinking a bottle. I remember thinking somethings wrong with this picture. But you know what, one day they'll be adults and I reckon they will have got over all their issues I don't have the energy to try and work on!!!! You are not alone, it's called being a mom which sometimes is the hardest job in the work!!!!!
Posted by: Kimberley Richmond | 13 April 2012 at 05:19 PM
Kinda annoyed by some of the comments above, as it sounds to me you are just venting and don't need to be told to work less or stop bitching... anyway... nothing here but love. Some days (weeks) suck. I have been feeling much the same with my 7 yr old still having emotional meltdowns and my 3 yr old not interested in potty training... ugh. We will get through. Hugs!
Posted by: LS | 13 April 2012 at 07:00 PM
When Cameron was 7 I told his father "we are done! I can not tolerate your son and I'm leaving you." Then he turned 8 and I'm not going anywhere. 7 sucks. I hate 7. 7 can kiss my arse!
Posted by: Evilisa | 13 April 2012 at 08:35 PM
Well, if it makes you feel better............we missed you at school this week. And, just to add insult to frizzy, spotty and flabby...........how are the arrangements for the carnival coming along? :)
Posted by: Catherine | 13 April 2012 at 11:27 PM
I love posts like this cause you make me feel normal. I too have 3 kids, and feel like I'm barely holding it together most days. Mommy sickeness makes me want to completely fall apart at the seams and want to crawl under a rock, you'll feel better about everything when your snot leaves!
You're great Tertia, your kids are so cute and it's just the day to day grind that's kind of hard sometimes.
Posted by: Rachel | 13 April 2012 at 11:27 PM
Tertia, you are a wonderful mom. I feel exactly the same way when I am sick. I feel for you, I would give you a big hug if I could. Your kids are actually doing wonderful, 7 year olds with emotional meltdowns are more than normal.
And oh, my god, do I hate having a cold during a heat wave.
Have to agree with the previous poster: your kids are supercute.
Posted by: Fidi | 14 April 2012 at 12:24 AM
Ugh. Sorry things have been stressful. Hang in there.
Posted by: Sara | 14 April 2012 at 01:08 AM
Hahahah is it terrible that this post made me laugh? Hope you're feeling better :)
Posted by: kathy | 14 April 2012 at 03:45 AM
If it makes you feel better....my daughter is almost 4 and still isn't completely potty trained. This week? Pooped in her pants every.single.time.
Posted by: Stephanie | 14 April 2012 at 07:18 PM
Thanks heaps for this post Tertia. I hope you are feeling better now. I am totally sucking at parenting at the moment, and what is probably worse, I don't even feel that bad for the kids (they are not neglected or anything). I just feel sorry for myself for having to always be the grown up and for having no life.
Posted by: Groovymumma | 17 April 2012 at 06:46 AM
Dude. Chardonnay. That is all.
Love you, you know where to find me if you need any help!
Posted by: Tania | 18 April 2012 at 03:19 PM
and yet you look D&G in the pic's from your latest photo shoot!
Posted by: Thumbelina | 18 April 2012 at 05:19 PM