Call me naïve, but I am in awe of (a) children's ability to learn and (b) teachers' ability to teach.
Perhaps this is not very impressive for the experienced parents and non-parents out there but I am so very impressed (and more than a little proud) at how much my children have learnt in just over a month of starting Grade 1. They are reading quite a few words already. READING! ALREADY! They have gone from not reading at all to reading quite a few words (our kids don't really do much 'reading' before Grade 1). That just blows my mind. I am so proud of them. And so impressed with the teachers! Teachers are my new heroes. I know I sound all naïve and green but truth is, I am! The last time I had any interaction with teaching kids to read was when I was in Grade 1. And that was so long ago, Adam asked me the other day whether dinosaurs were alive when I was in Grade 1. And he was being dead serious with the question.
Before the kids stared Grade 1, I had worked myself up into a complete toestand ('state') about the dreaded HOMEWORK. For several reasons: 1. I hated homework as a child. Not that I ever did much, but the idea was very boring. 2. My sister had told me terrifying stories about spending hours at the dining room table listening to "See Spot run" a hundred times over. I was (very seriously) thinking about employing someone just to do the homework with the kids, that is how scared I was. Truth is (like so many of my fears with the children), it has actually turned out way better than I feared.
Instead of fighting homework, I decided to give in to it completely. We take the homework very seriously and the kids actually love it. And I am ashamed to say, the main reason is because they get to spend someone one on one time with me, time where there is no twin brother or sister around, where there is no naughty Max taking up all my time and where I am 100% 'there' for them. I don't answer calls, I don't check my emails. We sit at the desk, in the study with the door closed and for 30 minutes each, I am 100% theirs. They love it! They fight as who gets to go first.
I initially thought I could save time by doing both of them together (there has to be some benefit to twins after all the hard work upfront) but it didn't work out. They get different homework plus their pace and way of working is different. And of course, I realized how much they love and need the alone time with me.
I know I have many years to go, time in which homework might become a huge pain, where teachers will disappoint me, where I will moan and groan about school / teachers / homework, but for now I am masked in the rosy glow of some serious school-love.
Here are two pics the kids drew for me recently. They both love me so much, I am so lucky. (Even if Adam tells me I am the "wudest" (rudest) mother he has ever had for not allowing him to have a third sweet)
PS I also realize that there will come a time when they wont be so in love with their mother as they are now. *Sob* I am going to remind them of this time where I was the love of their lives.
Kate (Kate is not into boyfriends or getting married so we have agreed that we will be each other's Valentine and we will live together forever):
Adam drew a computer. Plus a love letter (PS Adam is going to OT for some assistance with his fine motor stuff. He is doing very well):
What a lovely post! I STILL get excited when I hear my 11-year old son reading. I just LOVE that he loves it so much. And yes, teachers are awesome and they DO need a decent pay rise. Love the pics that your kids drew for you. So cute.
Posted by: Julia | 19 February 2012 at 03:11 PM
agreed tertia! nothing more rewarding than hearing your child read, the best is how INTO the stories they are now..cause they're actually part of everything. wonderful. xxx
Posted by: renee | 19 February 2012 at 03:36 PM
Wow! They are getting so big!!!! I remember being so excited when Phoebe started reading. It's so exciting watching them grow up and see the people they are becoming.
Posted by: Heather | 19 February 2012 at 07:52 PM
So glad they are doing so well! Love your homework idea, 30 min dedicated to each child=amazing!!! Well done. Teaching is such an amazing job, watching and teaching and helping them to read is actually a gift ans so incredibly rewarding! Miss teaching! X
Posted by: Lindsay | 19 February 2012 at 07:58 PM
Both of the twins sound like they are doing fabulously and I love the pics.
Posted by: Kristin | 20 February 2012 at 06:26 AM
Homework routine sounds like a great idea.
It is amazing how fast they are learning things.
When we read at bedtime,I let sam read all the words in the story that she knows...takes a bit longer but she loves that she can read them
Posted by: Debbie | 20 February 2012 at 09:56 AM
I never realised how big a thing it is when your baby does not have enough tummy time. And I am seeing it first hand with my eldest, almost 5 year old daughter. She's also going to a OT to sort out fine motor skills as well as she does not exactly know what side of her is dominant. She kicks a ball with the left foot, but also changes hands when she's colouring in.
Posted by: Helen | 21 February 2012 at 03:56 PM
I can relate on this,i am much more excited for my son when he started to read. I want
him to read and read..until he is tired and bored reading. That's a mommy thingy ;)
Posted by: Becca | 23 February 2012 at 04:06 PM
Sigh I just remembered the time when my children still loved me. Glad you treasure it. Lets hope yours don't become like mine
Posted by: Vivian | 27 February 2012 at 03:18 PM
oh so unbelievably sweet ~ valentines ;)
And good for you ~ I'm so proud of you for committing to the homework time. Outside of homework, I think it is so great that your children can count on having "you" all to themselves for 30 delicious minutes. I think that is a real gift you are giving them :)
Posted by: Katie m. Berggren | 28 February 2012 at 11:25 PM
We love your posts over at Digitwirl. Full of awesome tips and stories- our subscribers would love your blog!
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Posted by: Kiersten | 06 March 2012 at 10:23 PM