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What a lovely post! I STILL get excited when I hear my 11-year old son reading. I just LOVE that he loves it so much. And yes, teachers are awesome and they DO need a decent pay rise. Love the pics that your kids drew for you. So cute.

agreed tertia! nothing more rewarding than hearing your child read, the best is how INTO the stories they are now..cause they're actually part of everything. wonderful. xxx

Wow! They are getting so big!!!! I remember being so excited when Phoebe started reading. It's so exciting watching them grow up and see the people they are becoming.

So glad they are doing so well! Love your homework idea, 30 min dedicated to each child=amazing!!! Well done. Teaching is such an amazing job, watching and teaching and helping them to read is actually a gift ans so incredibly rewarding! Miss teaching! X

Both of the twins sound like they are doing fabulously and I love the pics.

Homework routine sounds like a great idea.
It is amazing how fast they are learning things.
When we read at bedtime,I let sam read all the words in the story that she knows...takes a bit longer but she loves that she can read them

I never realised how big a thing it is when your baby does not have enough tummy time. And I am seeing it first hand with my eldest, almost 5 year old daughter. She's also going to a OT to sort out fine motor skills as well as she does not exactly know what side of her is dominant. She kicks a ball with the left foot, but also changes hands when she's colouring in.

I can relate on this,i am much more excited for my son when he started to read. I want
him to read and read..until he is tired and bored reading. That's a mommy thingy ;)

Sigh I just remembered the time when my children still loved me. Glad you treasure it. Lets hope yours don't become like mine http://vivi-section.blogspot.com/2011/07/why-i-should-have-eaten-my-children.html

oh so unbelievably sweet ~ valentines ;)
And good for you ~ I'm so proud of you for committing to the homework time. Outside of homework, I think it is so great that your children can count on having "you" all to themselves for 30 delicious minutes. I think that is a real gift you are giving them :)


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