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Adorbs! Love it :)

Oh my god, that strut! This one is going to keep you on your toes T, and you're going to need a very large stick to beat the boys away when the time comes.

OMW so cute...boy she can move those hips

Dig those moves!

Absolutely adorable! :D

OMG that is the cutest thing ever!!!

Damn Gurl! Work it!

Adorable! Marco better sleep now . . .

I'm wondering if she's somehow found a stash of videos from your young clubbing years?

She's awesomely fabulous with that attitude and her moves!

How cute! It's always so funny to watch the little ones dance they all seem to be going their own way.

Thank you for giving us a glimpse of your delightful Kate; I love her confidence!

She danced the other kids off that stage... What a natural :)

She's got some moves! Now, please post Adam dancing and Max, too!

Holy Moly! We are so impressed. You have to enroll her in dance classes immediately!

Adorable! She's got IT!

So freaking cute! Girl's got rhythm! Hard to believe she's nearly 7. Weren't they just born?

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