Yesterday Marko and I went on an uptown hop on / hop off tour. Tony the tour guide was amazing! He had a very strong Bronx accent and sounded exactly like the Americans in the movies. Perfect! I loved listening to him talking about his city.
We got off at Central Park to have a walk around. Wow! What an amazing place, it is so beautiful and so huge! New Yorkers are so lucky to have Central Park, I can imagine it must be such a welcome oasis in this city.
I could not believe how many people there were exercising in the park - jogging / running / cycling / walking etc. When we got there I said to Marko "do you think there is some kind of race event here today?" but then we realized this is normal for lovely Saturday morning in the early fall. So many skinny, tanned, fit people! I got tired just looking at them ;)
The park is beautiful, I am so impressed by it. We saw so many families with young kids there. Gorgeous.
After the tour we came back to the hotel and had a brief nap and then left for the meet up at Louise's apartment in Brooklyn. Marko and I took the train there, which was a really cool experience. We felt very proud of ourselves that we managed to buy a ticket, find the train and get there without getting horribly lost.
Louise and Takiema went to so much effort, I was very touched. It was AMAZING to meet everyone in person. After almost 8 years of friendship, I finally met Cecily in person. Cecily and her fabulous husband Charlie are as wonderful as you would imagine them to be. Thanks to everyone who came.
Sorry this post is bit tired, but it is late (almost 9pm NY time, 3am SA time) and my feet, legs and butt are aching from our looooong day today. More about that tomorrow.
How fantastic that you got to meet all the virtual friends that you have known for so long and have shared your journeys to parenthood. I still remember Cecily's post about how her father died, the funeral and going to her step-sister's trailer after the funeral.
Posted by: Sue | 12 September 2011 at 11:17 AM
It was pleasure meeting with you and Marco in person. Thanks Louise and her friends for having us. I reported back to my husband and he was excited about it, too. He put the little doll on the fridge in our kitchen. Think of you guys every time we see it. Have a great rest of stay in NY.
Posted by: Rinko | 13 September 2011 at 05:42 AM