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Wonderful! And I love your shirt :)

I (almost) never comment, but I just wanted to say that even though I've known everything summarized in your bio, seeing it all in one place was pretty awe-inspiring and even choked me up a bit. You deserve the recognition AND a wonderful trip to N.Y.

wow wow wow!! Well done!! You completely deserve it :)

Huge congratulations to you! I remember when I first saw you on Carte Blanche, before I began my journey through 10 miscarriages (and my beautiful son), and I remember clearly one of the things you said: it's not about strength - you do what you have to do.

Best wishes for the awards!

Many congratulations to you - well deserved. I have been reading your blog for AGES, even before DH and I were attempting a family. We are now facing our own set of struggles and I'm grateful for your archives and find your story inspiring. Congratulations again.


Tertia, a very cool press release indeed. Major congratulations to you on your award. Your journey to having twins is nothing short of amazing. It is so inspiring to read about someone that has come through it with such success. Congratulations again and keep up your great contribution, this is so important.


No wonder you do not know how to cook.

Super Cool, Tersh!! Enjoy your trip! You really deserve this! XXX

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