It is not always a pleasant experience to hear yourself in your children. It is like having a mirror that reflects your most annoying habits. Kate has mastered the art of sarkiness and I am afraid I only have myself to blame.
I am ashamed to say that I sometimes say not-very-proper-mommy things. For example, when they have a hissy fit and want something that I clearly, logically can NOT give them this very minute (because it doesn't exist / isn't in the house / is finished etc), then I have been known to say things like "Where would you like me to get XYZ? Pull it out my bum??" I heard Kate tell Adam the other day: Adam, where would you like mom to get that from? Out her bum???" Must try a more moderate approach.
Combine this sarky attitude with the odd unplanned exposure to teen TV (why do they put teen TV in the middle of fine programming like Spongebob and The Might B??) and you get some some interesting Kate'isms. I'll give you three recent examples:
1. After making me really cross recently, I sent Kate to her room as punishment. I marched after her and went off on a long tirade of how disappointed I was in her behaviour and how cross she makes me when she is ugly to her brother etc and after eventually winding down to a close she nods her head and says: "and your point is.....?" MY POINT IS THAT I AM GOING TO PUNISH YOU UNTIL NEXT YEAR IF YOU DO THIS AGAIN!!!! I was both cross and laughing on the inside at the same time.
2. The second incident happened last night. We have a rule that they can play on their iPads for about 15 minutes after brushing their teeth and before lights out. We then go in and kiss them goodnight and take their iPads away. So last night I went in to say "Right, that was long enough, time for sleep". Nooo, they moaned, that wasn't long!! "Yes it WAS" I say. Kate replies in a posh accent: "Mom, I believe the word you are looking for is WASN'T. I believe the word I am looking for is GO TO SLEEP IMMEDIATELY.
3. This morning Kate didn't want to eat breakfast and asked for a banana instead. I said fine. Half way through she changed her mind. I opened my mouth to have a moan at her and she holds up her hand and says dramatically: "Wait, wait! I know what you are going to say: 'Blah blah wasting food blah blah'".
My family and friends will tell you that Kate is my just reward for everything that I am and was. She keeps me on my toes.
PS I know reading the above will make toes of strict parents all over the world curl in horror. I could try break her spirit down but I prefer to keep it intact and have her keep her character while remaining appropriately respectful. I think she knows enough to know when it is appropriate to be 'funny' (ie at home) and when it isn't (ie at school / in other people's company). So far so good.
PPS Yes, I know that watching TV, playing on iPads before bedtime, eating bananas for breakfast, sending children to their rooms for punishment, sassiness and lying on tiled floors is terrible parenting and will cause my children to become dreadful delinquents. My poor children. What a cursed life they have, we obviously need help. Prayers and small cash donations are welcome.