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Voted. Break a leg. You'll also discover that Candian Bacon = ham.

Congrats on the nomination, Tertia :)

Wow! Congratulations and good luck! New York City is amazing!!!

I voted for you, because i also want to know about the bacon thing. If you win, you will post your bacon findings on your blog, right? Right?

MMmmmmmm .... bacon. Tasty, tasty, bacon.

MMMmmmmm ....

Where was I? Oh, yes, I voted. Go Tertia!

Well done! Voted. Holding thumbs! :)

Awesomness!!!! of course you will win.

Congrats! I will so vote. Multiple times. You better blog your bacon findings because I am also fascinated by the Americans and the bacon thing...

I'll vote for you ONLY if you visit Walmart and take many pics of the wierd Walmart shoppers! You must have seen the link...

Yes, I also want to know about the bacon... But not in an obsessive way.

Congratulations on the nomination. I experienced NYC for a total of 6 hours at what was effectively 4am for us, after not sleeping for over 24 hours. My husband moaned the whole time, but I was transfixed by the awesomeness of just being there!

I voted for you, because I love both BACON and your book! Chocolate covered bacon..yummmmmmm

About the bacon. I'm an American and I do love bacon. It is awesome. (Although the ice cream thing is weird) I noticed that when I went to London, what they called bacon was not 'American bacon'. It was more of a ham/procuitto breakfast meat. Perhaps your bacon is different too. Oh, and there is definately a debate over how to cook the bacon. Fried up crispy (my fav) or limp and chewier. And some places cook better bacon than others, so if it is all greasy and gross, don't write it off completely. So, now that I have contributed to the perception of our craziness over bacon, I will go vote so you can experience it first hand.

oh, and if you do have the same bacon, please explain your indifference?!?

How very cool!!Good luck!

Voted for you! Congrats on all of this!


I just voted for your book. I've got my fingers crossed because you have made such a difference for and inspired so many people to keep trying (including me!).

And, bacon makes everything better! :)

Congrats and have voted. Just because Iw ant to know about the bacon thing. Nah! Just joking. Loved your book too.

Voted. Holding thumbs!

Having done three fertility cycles in South Africa, I can definitely say they do NOT have American bacon!

And I do hope you win, Tertia, because I live only three hours from New York, and I'd *love* to see you again. :-)

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