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Gosh, has it been 2 years already?
Happy Birthday to Max!

Happy happy birthday Max! And HUGE congratulations Tertia!

Love u Moeksie-Poeksie! We will see you later for your party. x

Happy, happy birthday! What a special gift! x

What a special bonus! Happy Birthday sweet boy!

Lovely post! Lovely Max! and his all yours!

Happy birthday, special Max!

Have a fun party and eat lots of cake.

Tertia, my twins are 22 months and still have dummies and milk bottles too. My Dr S said when I asked him about the bottles, "do you really want to mess with a good sleep routine?" and I said, "definitely not!" so that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Clearly that apple-cheeked, smiling boy is in grave danger from him dummy.

Happy birthday Max!

I can personally atest to Nicola Smuts' amazing talents. Thanks to her we have triplets after 7 IVFs...

OMW can't believe he's 2 already!! I remember that day on Twitter, was very exciting.

Happy Birthday Max!!

Mine had bottles until 26 months. One one had a paci until 3. They are 15 and 9 and are just fine.

It's funny, but pretty much EVERYTHING you wrote about your bonus baby, I can write about my sweet, happy little boy. Like yours, he came of his own accord and without anxiety, tears, fertility treatments, etc. AND we happened to be celebrating his birthday today with his little friends. He completed our family and I also can't believe how much I love and adore my little man. I fondly remember Max's famous arrival. Happy Birthday Max!

He is just precious.

He he he - parenting police's toes must be curling! :-)

Guess what. My Hannah, almost 4, STILL has a bottle. Guess what else. She is a chatty, confident, angel child - whith a little bit of a stubborn streak - just for good measure.

Congrats on Two! I share your sentiments when you talk about how special he is because he is your very last baby! I feel the same about my toddler! Mine also still has the bottle, and when my husband asked what we are going to do about it, I told him it is for our sanity... (not having to freak about spilling cups etc) and not so much for her! ;-)

Happy second anniversary of MaxDay! :) I remember your worries before he was born, most of which were based on past experiences (understandably so), along with worrying if you could love another child as much as A&K. While nothing can ever erase the tragedies you endured, Max's conception and birth (and even your pregnancy with him) were uncomplicated and "normal." I cannot tell you how thrilled I am that you were able to have that be your last experience with building your family! I think your baby boy has done what you probably previously thought was unimaginable... brought you closure and some measure of peace. And for me - and perhaps for so many others across the world - it feels like cosmic justice was finally served.

He is your special, miracle boy, Tertia. Happy birthday, Max!!!

Happy B-day Max! (I honestly don't give a hoot about a bottle or dummy past 2, we have managed to chuck the dummy, but the bottle stays, for now...)

Firstly happy birthday to little dude! Secondly, I have a three year old who still drinks from a bottle. So there.

Happy Birthday to the gorgeous young man!! And I am SO happy for you!!! You have a beautiful family and you'll never have to worry about DBTs EVER again (neither will I, and I am bathed with relief)!!!! Who says that dreams don't come true?

I always think of you and Max on Piper's birthday, as they were born so close to each other... each a miracle in his/her own way! (btw, Piper's still got her bottle as well... why is it considered so socially unacceptable for these little ones to hang on to their dear bottles for a couple years?). :-)

baby moo had her dummy until just after her 3rd bday. horrid, right? LOL I wish she still had it sometimes, it made life super easy!!

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