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Sounds like a super holiday. And yes, this too shall pass. I need to remember that now more than ever.

Mwah, love you my friend. At least your name starts with a T, so you are actually very close to Tanya and me :P

Happy Mother's Day! Loved this post!

Very cool meme!
Happy mothers day!

Glad you had a fabulous time, we forget how necessary it is to escape from the world. What stood out hte most for me in this post is that time goes by so quickly, maybe that's because my oldest son is heading for 20 - SCARY - and my daughter just trned 15 - SCARIER! Fortunately my baby is still on the easy side of being a teenager. Unfortunately for him, this means I watch his every move and stare at him a lot because he's my baby, and all too soon, this will pass.

If I could advise new moms to do anything, it would be to…
Enjoy every stage, it goes by so quickly. Savour today, your babies grow up so soon :(

I am so glad you told me this. I remember your words often and don't wish away tme by saying things like 'I can't wait till you crawl/walk/talk etc'. Even by doing this, time is flying and I cannot believe she is growing so much, changing and learning. I take each moment as it comes and as you also said, I have relinqished control as much as I can and I am just going with the flow.


What a great post :) "This too shall pass" is what my husband and I say to each other each time the other one is about to flip out at the kids (okay, or just after one of us has flipped out), usually accompanied by a cup of tea (wine) and a conspiratorial wink.

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