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lol! I know ALL about sharing my office space with my kids.
At least she shares her feelings .....

Haha! Funny Girl! I bet she was pretty angry!

Classic!! That Kate has a sense of humour of note!

Classic! I love your kids : )


OH I *so* feel your pain.

I have said, "Don't touch anything on my desk," and "Don't put *your* things on my desk" well over 1.4 TRILLION times. Does.Not.Compute. I always wonder, what they *do* think when I say those things? Is it.."She can't possibly mean that" or "Hah! I'll show you..." or " (sound of fresh air blowing) " ????

Tell me about it! Working at home is great, but it's also working a double shift simultaneously!

I love my niece, this is so Kate.

Can really express her feelings with drawing...

she got mad because you ignored her ipad? lol. very funny!

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