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Glad to see you back! :) Good luck with your gym. I cannot seem to find time, but have found lots of flab. Flab is laughing at my lack of commitment.

I wouldn't panic about Max and the school. My daughter was cling-film and six months made the difference from it being an impossibility to tear-free. Another year - she doesn't even tell me good-bye.

I don't like the gym either. However, signing up to my son's karate class - yeah, he holds me accountable.

ha ha at least they're wearing helmets ;)

Get mel to answer the God questions!

So VERY happy you mother sent you that text!!!

How weird is this?! Just yesterday I wrote about how I love the personal trainer because she makes me do it - I also would not be there otherwise :) And flab (sadly) is my friend too.

Max is 2 months older than my twins and we tried to leave them for a half day preschool - K was fine but C screamed and screamed and then wouldn't let my hubby out of his sight for weeks on end. It's terrible, isn't it?

Our son had the same nervous breakdown gym nursery reaction when he was around Max's age. Just a few months later he was well over it, without us doing anything other than leaving him at home for a while. Max seems like a cheerful little guy. I'll bet he comes around with time.

The allegy gets MUCH worse as in "Don't look at me! Don't touch my side of the couch! Don't be in the same room as me!" and then it is miraculously cured and YOU get the allergy "Get away from the boy! Get away from the phone! Do not be on the same couch as my daughter! The bedroom door will remain open and become a public highway at ALL times!" LOL - We inherit so much from our kids, including paranoia and insanity!!

LOL I love your answer to the God question!! I keep trying to answer them myself... I am such a doofus some days!

Three cheers for your mother!

Thanks Mimi - that post was awesome!! What a pleasure to read how good and boring and mundane things are.

Long may Kate's alletgy to boys last.... You'll be glad when she's 16....

Oh Tertia, you make me laugh! How I wish I could be a fly on the wall for some of those conversations.
I'm really enjoying your new column in the Living and Loving as well, so keep it all coming.
Tried Dylan at the creche at our Church and it was a disaster the first time, but a bit better the second time, so keep persevering with Max.

Ummm, I'm sure you must know this from your work and all, but you DO NOT need a rooster to get eggs. A mature hen will lay eggs daily without a rooster. just like you menstruate (laying your egg) monthly whether or not you have a male around. Males are essentially useless for egg laying unless you want fertilized eggs or are trying to grow your flock. Wink wink, nudge nudge.

Cheers to your mother...that post was awesome!Happy to see you back:):)Gud that atleast they wear helmet..lol..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQVTXSgd2Cg Glad to visit ur post..interesting and wl come back again to ur posts..

Happy to hear you are going back to gym. I need to get up the enery to start going again. Maybe the answer is to switch to one nearby.

Tertia--Thanks for letting me know that no shoes is a dangerous situation...My poor daughter has been at risk for most of her 4 years. I too am wondering how that: "there was this petri dish" versus "When too people love eachother majic happens" talk will go...hopefully will not screw it up too badly.

So sweet!

Thanks for sharing!

I grew up in SA, without shoes. Shoes were something you occasionally put on when you went out.
Now I live in Israel, and I let my 4 yr old go barefoot a lot in the summer. A lot of other parents find this horrifying.
In winter I make an effort to get her to at least wear socks at home.
She has been sick twice this winter (that's pretty rough for her, she almost never gets sick) and the other day when a little girl came over to play, her mother, noticing that Niv was in her socks (i.e. not slippers) said to me "maybe that's why she is always sick". Really?

Happiness is coupled with sorrow, and it would turn bright immediately after rain in addition. If rain remains just after rain and sadness remains soon after sorrow, please take these farewells straightforward, and choose smilingly try to find on your own who is never to seem.

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