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The room is beautiful! You and Rose did a fantastic job :)

Absolutely beautiful.
Thanks for the heads-up re: personal organizers. I was quite keen to do the same and you have saved me a lot of money. When I told my husband about my plans to get in an organizer he told me that this is NOT an Oprah show...

Whahahaha... seriously... I'll say it again... you're living my life (aside from the fertility thing... and the truck load of children... and Rosey... but other than that???)

I also tried the Personal Organiser (she was on Decor Made Simple once) and I never actually got to use her, because Handsome Hubby was adamant that it was a complete waste of money! However... I still have the rewards of not having her - no kick up the backside, and I've relented and accepted the opinion that ... POSSIBLY... I'm a hoarder.

Love the cupboard with the red/grey and yellow draws. Where did you get it?

OMG. I just used the word 'declutter' in a blog post about cleaning the kids' playroom and saw this post when I came to get your link to add you to my blogroll. Oh the shame of it. :P
That cupboard is way impressive, I'm SO stealing some of your ideas!

I must say you and Rosie have done a great job. The kids room and the bookcase looks perfect.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQVTXSgd2Cg I've got loads to clean up. Your article is quite an inspiration.

Wow! I am impressed and the rooms are so great especially the bedroom of Kate. Feels I love to sleep there. Yeah you did a great job with Rose.

Very impressive! I think you should take Marco's credit card, laminate it, and sneak it back in his wallet for a nice little surprise later.

The day my husband would EVER let me hire an organizer....NEVER will happen. But I can't imagine they would have any better ideas than what you can come up with or find on the web...
Looks very nice!

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