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Your kids are too cute! Kate certainly has attitude... she is going to be a real force to be reckoned with when she is older! Can't think where she gets that from ;)

Haha Tertia! That pic of Kate and Adam looks like one of those conspiracy pics that you get people debating over whether or not there was indeed an apparition in the photo or if the film had been tampered with! You can just imagine the write-up: This picture was of my great great Aunty Kate when she was 6 years old. The photographer swore that no-one else was in the room at the time of taking the picture, but somehow an image of her subversive alter-ego appeared when the film was developed. The family also reported strange noises in the house and an inexplicable amount of toy cars left in a haphazard fashion around the house around the time this photo was taken.... oooooooo - spooky stuff!

Your kids rock. (almost as much as my kids) (of course)

I love your kids' style!

I love your kids and the snapshot is very real to enjoy. Very simple writeup and great picture.http://www.vivamagonline.com/index.php Definetly its a perfect outfit and styles. I enjoyed lot...Great job!!!

Your children seem so happy!

I love the grog cabinet behind. Marko doesn't drink does he?

Hey Tertia,

Long time no see! Awesome pics! I can't believe they are all getting so big already! Give me a shout when next you are in town and we can get some coffee.
And I know I've asked you on FB but with 10 days left of the competition am lobbying for votes here!! Please vote for Mitchell - http://www.calorababy.co.za/competition/mitchellmeiring. I would SO love to win the prize and go to Jhb to visit my brother and family. Not to mention the fame and fortune, well yeah maybe not. You should have entered Max, he would so have given Mitchell a run for his money!

PS: you can vote every day(once a day) till end of Jan.

Adam probably takes after his Aunty Mel! :)
Max looks just like you!

I just LUUUURVVVE your kids!

Love the spaz pic!

Oh my goodness... your little Max is a delicious treat of a toddler boy! So precious! And I love your description of the twins. That would totally be my son in the background too.

The little superman is too adorable!

I love how Adam is almost ghost-like, barely there. What an interesting shot!

It is certainly a little big to rock music! The red rocks my world right now. They also have some kind of Buckcherry feel on some tracks.


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