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hello lovely;

1) yes they were v. cute as babies and still are.
2) take heart...seb and the trips are now old enough to reason (9,6,6,6) and this year we told them the gifts were hidden in our room and if they nosed around they WOULD find them and they had two choices -- they could either a) be surprised when they found them or b) be surprised on Christmas day.
3) we don't wrap Christmas presents. we have four "santa sacks" that all presents go in. charles distributes the presents to each child. the kids think we are environmental, we know we are lazy.
4) yes, your youngest and your hubbie are gorgeousness.

Looks like the kids had an awesome Christmas! You're very brave getting FC to bring them a paint ball gun!! Much braver than me

I just love the picture of Max with the shopping cart, he looks like he is going to blast off! And are those kitty wiskers I see on his cheeks? :)

We tried fabric gift bags instead of wrapping. It was done in a snap and way less garbage after.

Merry Christmas.

Love the pics! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hate last minute Christmas wrapping too!

Great pics... I'm afraid we're not much into Christmas either, but we make a bit of an effort for the family.

And actually, R350 is very reasonable for a Christmas Lunch. There were places who charged over R600. I know, because we looked for a Christmas Eve venue- ended up paying R420 per person, which included a welcome drink and a glass of port with the cheese platter.

Hey, whattya moaning about, r350 is only £33 and it cost our family £60 each!!! You got a bloody good deal mate !! Thinking about travelling to SA one Christmas as the weather is so good. This year going to India!

We were wrapping gifts till about 3 in the morning on Christmas eve/day!! Serves me right for leaving it till the last minute. Hubby and oldest son fell asleep in front of the tv earlier and I fell asleep putting M to sleep so woke up at midnight to wrap gifts!! And I have the same issue, hubby is a perfectionist and I just want to get the gifts wrapped already! The kids really don't care how well they are wrapped, actually the worse they are wrapped the easier they are to open!

Looks like a wonderful holiday.

I do ALL the shopping/wrapping in our family. Son gets fun gifts, hubby gets underwear/socks and I get whatever-I-want-to-wrap-and-put-under-the-tree (that I bought for myself, of course).

Boy in that picture of Kate/Adam as babies, I sure do see where Max & Adam look alike. Definitely brothers! You have gorgeous kids!

Next year let the kids track Father Christmas online as he arrives in each country (works on timelines). Very exciting to see him move across the planet on Google Earth for kids. You can track on your mobile too.

Go to this link:

Merry (belated) Christmas, and Happy New Year, Tertia!

If it's any help to you, in my extended family Santa Claus does not wrap gifts. He piles them up under the tree in a gorgeous display, and the children's eyes bug out of their heads with joy when they walk into the room and see, not just boring old gift wrapping, but actual TOYS under the tree! Woohoo! (And SO much easier than gift wrapping everything!) :-)

Glad you got through it successfully!

Does not mean to stop caring, it means you can't do it for someone else!

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