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You sell them off to someone else for the school holidays, right? I mean, you don't like, HAVE THEM AROUND ALL THE TIME??? Right? Oh.God....


Loving the new 'sarcastic font' :P

One of THE motherhood rules insists that you take a preschooler grocery shopping at least once every 3 months, just so you remember WHY you DON'T DO IT! No, seriously, the book is called "Moments when I cherish my mother - cos' she let me live!" Apparently it is number 2 on the best seller list right behind the other important rule book "He's just not into you..."
LOL Tertia, have another glass of wine...

If he laughed at you when you were frustrated, you'd be mad too. It is mean. You're the grown-up, you know better than he does what he can handle. Don't begrudge him his frustrations, and for heaven's sake, don't take him shopping. If he posted a photo of you in a bad moment to the internet, what would you have to say about it?

You get to have your moments too, but really, this is mean.

The laughing was unfortunate, the same way it'd be with any adult in a similar frustrating situation, but nobody's perfect and you were probably trying to relieve the growing stress for both of you. Tomorrow is another day.

I would try to find any reason to eat those chocolates myself :)

I bet you let him eat all the chocolates in 1 day.

Thats kids for you. No matter how much they promise they wont complain while shopping but 2 mins in they are game over. :-)

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