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I am very intuitive, and I sense a theme there... :-)

Dare I say that you only end up wearing the really comfortable 2 pairs in there? :P

That is sad and very bad for your feet. Us South Africans all end up walking like flat footed ducks cos of this flip flop obsession. Our feet need proper shoes as well.

Serious? ;-)

No Rainbows?

Girl, you need some bejeweled flip-flops!

I suggest that you avoid any trips to the Midwest in the US for the next 6 to 8 months. Otherwise, you might lose a toe or two to frostbite!

I take it your toes are always neatly groomed - possibly why I have a cupboard full of boots!

I also have a cupboard FULL of flip-flop/sandal type shoes - but I work in a fairly corporate environment and was feeling a tad embarrassed that that was all I ever wore to work.

Have just bought myself a pair of flat pumps and a pair of high(ish) heel court shoes.

Sheesh! When did I grow up?

Naaahhs!! Now I'm jealous!! Will have to visit Mr Price to expand my flip flop collection. Enjoy the Dec. holidays!

I swear you are at least part Australian, Tertia.

There is a definite trend!

Looks perfect to me - just like mine, in fact. :)

No Fitflops?

Fabulous Tertia! Now just 25 more to go and you'll be on par with my Isabella! :-) LOL!!!

Jislaaik, this makes me very homesick! My shoe collection at the moment is a pair of snow boots and some furry slippers. Our boiler broke last night so we have no heating or hot water and it is so farking feezing. I had to use the laptop as a lap-heater last night. Can you hear me weeping softly into my balaclava? PERFECT set of shoes, Tertia!

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