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So glad you enjoying it!! Next time you come (!!) you have to come visit us in suburbia-- we even have a garden ;)

So, when are you coming to America, Tertia? :-)

You better not be having an even lovelier time there, than you had over here!!!

Glad you're having a good time. I love London, but also couldn't live there. What a shame our exchange rate prohibits us from visiting often.

I also love London - only thing is you have to plan a gazillion hours to get anywhere by Tube. Fine when you're without kids though.

I don't actually know how people with babies schlep them around

Have you tried the sandwiches at EAT? They make a nice brie and cranberry baguette. Yummy!

P.S. the foreigners sound like Dublin - we could hardly find real Irish people in the shops :)

I found fast food, sandwiches etc, expensive, but the rest reasonable. A change from the last time I went to England and brought back hardly anything! (-\+ 18 yrs ago). The bus fares were exorbitant, but the convienience? great! But I wanted to wet wipe the buses down (yucky sticky). And I also loved my trip, I am back 4 weeks and would love to go back! (Did you think Terminal 1 in Heathrow was like a morgue? I was freaked out by it).

A random thought: in America when I am talking about a 1/2 second, I'll say it only takes point 5 seconds. But we would type that 0.5 seconds. You do it with a commma, how would you say that??

We Americans have variety to put it mildly. The cold medicine aisle alone is enough to make your head spin.

Tertia, it was so wonderful to meet you too! I was so excited when we left the expo I was like a kid with a new toy. I realised only when I'd left (of course) that I didn't get to say many things to you, the most important being that I think you are just fabulous and amazing. Truly, you are one of my heroes. I love love love your blog, and even when you aren't posting, it's still my all-time best blog to be at!
I think of the small hurdle I have had and how hard it has been to recover emotionally, and then I think of everything you went through on your journey to motherhood, and how you just kept going and kept going and kept going... I am humbled by your strength and resilience.
And, yip, London rocks, but South Africa is the best of the best. It's just home.

I also love the variety they have in London. Dig the clothes shopping, especially Top Shop. and Starbucks :). Nothing beats Cape Town though ;).

I always feel very happy to visit ur blog ,Nice That you are having a very good time.... I love London, me wanna go there soon ...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQVTXSgd2Cg To be honest you are the best heroes.....I Like your blog very much...Iam having my best time with ur blog...

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