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Congrats on making it to the finals!
What a treat to be in Singapore. Second honeymoon?? Vroom, vroom, vroooommmmm

Oooh - have a lovely time - and I believe the shopping is really good over there. I'm sure your lil' sis will show you where all the good spots are that aren't touristy.

I love travelling, my husband not so much. He spends the entire flight pacing up and down (clearly fending off what is likely to be a fatal case of deep vein thrombosis) the aisles (yes he is *that* guy) while I am in rapturous delight over the movie selection, and the ability to engage my brain, without worrying about the kids. (if they're not with me that is).

Anyhoo Have Fun!

Hope the trip is completely wonderful...and, congrats on being a finalist.

I love Singapore. I'm envious of you, and especially your sister. I had thought she was going to Korea. What happened?

welcome to my country! enjoy ur stay!

I studied in Singapore for five months back in the 80's. Had a lovely time there; met so many nice people. Glad you're having a nice vacation. :-)

welcome to s'pore. i'll be at the F1 too, have lotsa fun!~

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