If I have to wait until I have something deep and meaningful to say, I might have to wait forever. I have plenty of blog posts in my head but not nearly enough time to write them all down.
So instead I will give you a brief update on what's going on in my life.
Work = busy. Busy = good. Therefore work = good.
I am in Singapore at the moment on holiday, can you believe it! What a beautiful city. VERY hot and humid but totally gorgeous. Everything is so clean and neat and ordered, I love it. Marko and I are off to see the Formula One this weekend - a life long dream of Marko's. Very sweet. What a lovely wife I am. Vroom vroom vroooommmmmm.
My younger sister lives in Singapore and we are staying at her gorgeous home. I love seeing how she lives here in this foreign country. She is such a good expat. She makes a life for herself wherever she lives. A real survivor and adaptor.
Travelling here was far less stressful than I thought it would be. I was dreading the flight with my husband as he is a notoriously TENSE traveller. But bar a few hairy moments, he was actually quite relaxed. Marko-relaxed that is.
I miss the kids already, very much. But I am trying not to let my longing for them spoil my time here. I know they are in good hands back home. (I still miss them, lots)
Hmm, what else... not much. Oh! I made the top two finalists for the South African Blog Awards, thank you! Thanks for your voting and your support. I am very sad to be missing out on the awards ceremony, it is going to be such fun!
Ok, that's it. I must try to sleep now. Time difference is a little tricky, but hopefully will acclimatise soon. Sleep tight x
Congrats on making it to the finals!
What a treat to be in Singapore. Second honeymoon?? Vroom, vroom, vroooommmmm
Posted by: Bajin | 22 September 2010 at 04:19 PM
Oooh - have a lovely time - and I believe the shopping is really good over there. I'm sure your lil' sis will show you where all the good spots are that aren't touristy.
I love travelling, my husband not so much. He spends the entire flight pacing up and down (clearly fending off what is likely to be a fatal case of deep vein thrombosis) the aisles (yes he is *that* guy) while I am in rapturous delight over the movie selection, and the ability to engage my brain, without worrying about the kids. (if they're not with me that is).
Anyhoo Have Fun!
Posted by: Macnessa | 22 September 2010 at 04:19 PM
Hope the trip is completely wonderful...and, congrats on being a finalist.
Posted by: Kristin | 22 September 2010 at 10:25 PM
I love Singapore. I'm envious of you, and especially your sister. I had thought she was going to Korea. What happened?
Posted by: Sara | 23 September 2010 at 12:37 AM
welcome to my country! enjoy ur stay!
Posted by: Keng qui | 23 September 2010 at 01:46 AM
I studied in Singapore for five months back in the 80's. Had a lovely time there; met so many nice people. Glad you're having a nice vacation. :-)
Posted by: Beth | 23 September 2010 at 02:36 AM
welcome to s'pore. i'll be at the F1 too, have lotsa fun!~
Posted by: yvonne | 23 September 2010 at 08:21 AM