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you are not going to blog about others' affair/marital problems/weight issues? darn. what's the point of coming here then? *unfollows* :-)

You can f'ing write about me on your blog. Oh... you already did!

Todd, that was only because you gained those extra 50 kgs while you were having an affair with the pool guy. Otherwise I would never have blogged about you.

Ass-umptions suck donkey balls.

Hey, come home already, we need to have wine! And I want to admire your bra and new red t-shirt FFS :-)

in the immortal words of george carlin: fuck the fucking fuckers.

Great post! Love Todd's comment too & RainbowW & jacki's.... chuckling too much to type

Christ. And all this time I thought that us bloggers were put on this earth purely to talk about others and write stories about their lives.

Now what the fuck am I supposed to do?

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