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Love the smiles!!!!

He is seriously gorgeous! What a happy, happy boy!

My god. That's not a baby, that's a little boy!!! How time flies!!

Oh he is so very gorgeous!

Gorgeous boy! Walking (running?) I assume?

He is just gorgeous!

Too cute for words. Looks more like Kate than Adam for me.

Hey Tertia,

He is one cute little man, you're lucky!! I am just wondering, what is that blue support thing you are using for Max in the bathtub, it's great--do you know what it's called? I wonder if there is such a thing available in Canada. I know you are so busy Tertia, so if anybody else reads this comment, can you let me know? Thanks!!

He has a winner smile... gonna be a heartbreaker for sure!

Wow he is sooooo cute!!!
Re; bath ring - found at Baby City or Babies R US - sucks to the bottom of the bath so that baby cannot slip or fall over. Use only if baby can sit/balance unaided and remember to position one of the legs between the babies own. Works like a bomb - it was the only way I could bath my triplets without stressing that one would slip or fall over face down while I was bathing the other or turning my back reaching for a towel etc. Awesome if you want your baby to have some play time (supervised) in the bath.

I used to think he looked like Adam. BUT now he really looks like Kate. The time goes by so fast....

He is absolutely adorable! You've got to say it, you and Marko produce good looking children (am not surprised, hehe).

Love these pics! He's so cute!

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