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Laduma! We are all excited!
We needed something like this in our country :D

It's awesome to be in South Africa at the moment :)

Poor Ireland got knocked out of the World Cup because of stupid France. I fecking hate football but it will be on in this house as my husband and son EAT, SLEEP, BREATHE football. My other kids and I will be fine because we have the very last Brittish Big Brother for 13 weeks!!
Thosse pics are brilliant, I can really feel the football fever!!

Everytime I see on tv here about it being in SA, I think of you, and all the things I've learnt about SA from this blog :)

Heh. "Thongs" of people instead of "throngs"? Snicker.

I am apparently 11.

Great photos , amazing vibe , but man those girls must have been cold .....

Tertia -

I miss South Africa - it is such a beautiful country - I definitely would like to return. You are an incredible ambassador for your country. Thank you for the education and being a continuing connection to South Africa.


i must say it feels great to be a South African at this moment. I hope the country will remain united even after the World Cup!!!!

Can u feel it????? Well I can touch it :)

The World Cup is great fun. I don't like soccer especially, or crowds, but there was a really festive air in Japan in 2002 when they co-hosted with Korea, and that made the summer really fun. Here's hoping it's wonderful for you guys, too!

Love soccer!!!! (we call it football, by the way) Go Argentina!!!!
I wish I could be there. Every journalist that I hear (both in English and Spanish) is impressed with South Africa, your organization, roads, communications, warmth of people so kudos!!
Just wait until South Africa gets to the second round; THEN you will see real excitement! I do not know why but this sport brings out a real "patriotic" feeling all over the world (except, maybe, in the US where they could not care less).
Unfortunately, it is only temporary... But enjoy it while it lasts!

In Germany lots of cars are flying the flags already. I think it will be noisy on Sunday when they play as they've been giving away these trumpet things for points at the petrol station over the last few months. When I lived in London it was the same with flags flying and hanging from windows etc. I don't usually watch football but when the world cup comes along I kind of get caught up in the atmosphere a little. I want to watch England but from experience they won't win but will stuff it up at some point. Can't believe the amount of good players that are pulling out due to injuries. But it will be interesting to see if Fabio has made any difference. I doubt it though.

With your writing, you have brought SA to life for this American. Because of that, I cried my eyes out while I watched the South Africa vs. Mexico game this morning even though I don't know a goddamn thing about soccer.

Congratulations to you and your beloved, beautiful country

So, now I know what a vuvuzela is. Sadly, I am not able to watch the matches on TV as the buzzing sound is giving me a migraine!

Good luck to each and every team.

I know exactly how you feel. As a Canadian, I (and everyone I know) felt the same way during the Olympics! Enjoy it! It'll give you the warm fuzzies for a looooong time.

I would love to be in SA right now! How exciting...
The only problem is, those awful noisy horn-things you mentioned are ruining the game for those I know in the United States who are trying to watch it. I just heard on the news tonight that they're thinking of banning them, which seems to me like a very good idea!

I knew England would stuff it up at some stage - but in the first game? Wowso!

I am very excited for you and your country on the hosting of the World Cup! Sadly, though, the sound of the vuvuzelas coming thru my TV in Ohio, USA, are too overstimulating for me... I am very glad that I am not a ticket holder for the event; I would not be happy at all to hear all that buzzing live. As controversial as it sounds, I do hope that they put a ban on the buzzing!

Everything I know about South Africa i´ve learnt from you. I want to thank you for that it seems like a great country, you are such a great ambassador for your country. It´s very sad that South Africa is unlikely to make it to the second round and unfortunately the vuvuzelas are making me watch it on mute! The noise in the stadiums must be overwhelming!

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