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Karate is a great sport! Well done! ;-)

Congrats to Kate and Adam. Martial Arts are a wonderful thing to be involved in.

Congrats kiddos!

Awww..... how cute! Isn't soccer big over there? You are so NOT the soccer mom type, though. LOL Annoying, those women. I'm a baseball and golf mom. I show up and bring snack on my turn - winner mom.

Love the happy faces :)

They look so proud! Kudos to Kate and Adam!! My twins just made blackbelt last week and I can't tell you how much the training has helped them! My son is exceptionally uncoordinated and karate has done wonders with him. Keep up the good work!!!


That'll come in handy if they get bullied or someone tries to hit them in the future - they'll be able to Jackie Chan them to the ground!

Lana and Donovan started karate 5 months ago. And KD (Karen's kids) are in Karate for about 4 months. Love the discipline and the "yes mam"s

Congratulations to Adam and Kate!

Karate is a *great* sport for those of us who are, umm... athletically challenged. While there are levels and belts and tests and all of that, it's not exactly direct competition. Also, like swimming and running, you only have to worry about your own body, not balls or bats or sticks or actually trying to catch something. Karate was a great benefit for me because I lack any amount of hand-eye coordination beyond the ability to drive. (And, according to my husband, even that is a bit dicey...)

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