Let's talk about my husband, we haven't spoken about him for ages. There was a time where he was a regular feature but like the rest of the characters on this blog, he has been given no time on stage for a long while.
I have about 20 minutes before I go wake the kids, so this will have to be a quickie.
There are a lot of people who either quietly or publicly give me stick for writing about my husband on my blog. They feel a mixture of horror, shame and pity that I could write about my poor, long suffering husband on my blog. I am sure they must be thinking 'what kind of a wussy, pushover guy he must be to (a) allow that shit and (b) be married to someone as full of shit as Tertia. To them I would like to say this: don't. Don't feel sorry for my husband. My husband is THE strongest person I know. Before I dated Marko, my longest relationship was only a few months because 99% of the VERY few men I dated (was practically a VIRGIN when I met Marko at the ripe old age of 30 - Hi Dad, Hi Marko) allowed me to totally dominate them, turning all mushy and mooshy. Which I find very unattractive and so had to dump then. The pattern for all my relationships was three months: the first month of the chase (I'll get that guy, watch me), the second month of intensity (OMG, he is so divine) and the third and final month of WTF have I done (he is such a wuss, grow a spine dude).
With Marko, the 'OMG he is so divine' part just never ended. All my girlfriends kept saying "but when?? When are you going to dump him??" And I kept saying "as soon as he turns into a wuss and starts irritating me". Which, after 10 years of marriage, he has not yet done. Chances are, I have met my match times a million and although he does and can irritate me immensely, it is never because he is a wuss.
Marko is everything I admire and like in a guy. Maybe with a bit less stubbornness and a bit more listening-to-his-wife, but the best bit for me, the part I love the most about him, is that he is always on my side. Always. Besides all the other bits I love about him (like being handsome, clever, strong, sexy, sometimes fucking annoying), the part I love most about my husband is that he is everything you would want in a best friend plus everything you would want in a family member. He has always got my back, always.
shit is has been 20 minutes already and I haven't said all I wanted to say. rats and damnation.
Ok, so now I am going to have to conclude with the two main points I wanted to make:
1. Please do not be concerned about Marko's feelings when I write about him on my blog. Firstly, he occasionally reads my blog so I can hardly write about him behind his back. I write knowing he is perhaps going to read it. Secondly, I would never write anything that would cross the line. Our line.
2. When I write that he is being an asshole, there are two truths that you mustn't forget: (a) He IS being an asshole at that particular point but (b) it doesn't matter because I still love him very much and no one (besides me) is perfect.
Oh, and the last thing is this: I never knew this was possible (seeing as my longest previous relationship was only a few months), but I actually love my husband more now that I ever did before. I thought that as marriages goes on, the 'love' you feel forever other fades a little. I was wrong. Perhaps you might have slightly less sex (Exhibit A: My husband with a tight pinched expression, weeping quietly into his hands) but you love and like the person so much more. I really do love my husband, perhaps not in the same way as I see some people do (we don't hold hands when we walk down the road, we don't lie entangled on the couch in front of the TV, we sometimes call each other assholes), but I love him in the best way possible for me. He makes me feel safe, secure and protected. I love that he loves me so much, and I love him as much back. And of course, it does no harm that he is damn handsome as well ;-)
And now I really must go. Have a lovely day xx
PS I was going to write this on Sunday but he was SUCH an industrial strength asshole on Sunday that I was too busy working out where I would hide the body parts after I dismembered his body with a blunt rusty machete.
PPS I am now late, and it is all your fault