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wow, i can't believe how big your brood is! wasn't it just yesterday that baby max was a trending topic on twitter?! amazing.

Adam showing off his toothless grin again! funny. Is that grey hairs on Markos mohawk or just the light? I think 40 is not a great number, there is too much of 'old' that goes with it and it is like the top of the hill. I hope he enjoyed his boot and deodorant.

Hah! That is what my folks told me, and yes, I too have uttered the very same to my eldest who is four going on 17. *Love* being able to use it now...

haha, Kim...'mohawk'...that is his forehead growing (as my father used to say)...my brothers sport that same (involuntary) 'hairstyle'...

My son just asked me this morning (Father's Day here in the States too) about 'kid's day'...it's coming for you too, T...

That sure is a great brood you have :) The brood look a lot like their dad :) Congrats on such a lovely family, can't believe how fast Max is growing :)

What an awsome picture. Obviously, I mean, the people in it, rather that the quality. I love having photos of Dean and the 2 babes. Its like taking a photo of my "love".

Great picture. I feel your pain about the Baby Einstein DVDs. Don't put yourself through any more torture! Yo Gabba Gabba is a lot of fun for little ones that age and much more enjoyable for parents (at least this parent)

My daughter DID ask when Kids Day is yesterday and I DID tell her that every other day is Kids Day now STFU (I didn't tell her the middle part, just be quiet now).

What a divine pic!!! June is also a very expensive month in our household... my 40th bday on the 13th, Father's Day on the 20th (3 Fathers to buy for), DH's bday on 22nd, FIL on the 25th, Mom on the 29th.... Sjoe!! My debit card is panting and swearing foul words at me!

i am proud of u and your family. I will be around a long time

Happy belated Father's Day to Marko!

Ah, your Adam cracks me up! Every smile makes me laugh :)

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