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Holy crap, I'm wearing the exact same shirt, and have pretty much exactly the same hairstyle today (though redder than yours).

And what I should have said first off if I had better manners: Wow, what a gorgeous (and divine) photo of you and Marko. You both look fabulous!

That is such a gorgeous photo!! Hope you're framing it!

Totally beautiful photo! LOVE!

Very beautiful! And you look great, too ;)

Wow, gorgeous photo of you both. It's hardly fair that you are such a g&d couple. ;-)

Cute. You wouldn't be able to guess from that photo that you are 5 yrs older than him.

Great picture! You both look wonderful!

Gorgeous photo !

Great picture and I love a happy ending!

Fabulous photo! Hope you can link the article at some point.

Well aren't you two a snazzy looking couple? Just G&D!

Great photo! Thanks for sharing!

He looks rather handsome! You obviously look gorg and divine!

You both look really happy and well. Tertia, have you ever sampled an entry from your blog circa 2010 and compared with with an entry circa 2004? You really ARE happy, so much more now than then, it's incredible.

Nice picture! I don't know why you are ever concerned about your weight-you look great!

Hi daar, het gister die Sarie gekoop - Marco is regtig 'n man 1000! Well done Marco! Om deur die jare jou vrou so mooi by te staan en te ondersteun!! Ek haal my hoed af vir julle en bewonder julle vir jul uithouvermoë! En die beloning is WOW!!!!!

Wonderful photo!

STUNNING Pic!! It's really beautiful!! I'll make a note to remember to buy Sarie of May. I stopped reading it when my first set of twins arrived - didn't have time for reading then. I don't buy any "women's magazines" anymore, because I find them boring, but for you, I'll make an exception. :-) Enjoy the weekend! XXX

Congrats! That's a great picture, too!

There's a great looking pair of people, if i do say so myself! :) Congrats

I went to buy the magazine (when in Cape Town doing DEIVF and all) but it's in Africaans and I only speak English! You bilingual people make me so jealous!

Any chance of an English translation? I was thinking it would be great for my other half to read. There isn't much around from the male perspective.


Lovely pic and great article!

I loved reading your story!!
And your picture is wonderful too!!

Congrats to him on the interview and story. Will you be able to link to the story from here?

Lovely photo of the two of you looking rested, happy, and comfortable...Bravo :)

Congratulations! You guys make such an adorable couple.

I read the article in the Sarie just yesterday and I thought it was a really great interview from Marko's perspective. The photo is gorgeous.

Gorgeous pic of you guys! V handsome, V pretty. =)

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