I am updating this blog out of fear. I got a very threatening email today about my lack of blog updates. It was very scary! Kind of. Ok, not really. It was from my sister and it said the following:
Hey lady, update your frikking blog please.
So here I am! Hi.
I've been away for the last week, in London and Vienna. I am SUCH a globe trotting jet-setter.
London was fab. I stayed in the most lovely hotel (The Cavendish Hotel) right in the middle of London, it was fantastic. I ended up doing a whole lot of work so didn't have time to sightsee or do much else but I still had a great time. I tried to go shopping but ended up having 17 heart attacks every time I converted from Pounds to ZAR so that all I bought for myself were two pairs of cheap flip flops. Such a sensible thing to buy in London, not. I bought a pair of cheap PJs for the kids, some panties and earrings for Rose and a magazine for Marko. A car magazine. Pathetic. And the magazine wasn't even a porn one! Poor guy. But cars are like porn for Marko (lovely to look at but has no chance of scoring any action). I am nothing if not cheap. But anyway, London was great and I got to see my handsome brother Paul, extra bonus!!
Vienna was lovely too, but totally wasted on a cultureless person such as myself. I was with my NBF Nicky in Vienna (I was invited to speak at a conference there) and while she went to the art galleries and theatre, I sat in my hotel room and worked. Happily so, I might mention.
Going overseas is very expensive for South Africans. I ordered soup, salad and water from room service and it cost me 35 Euros! That is 350 RONT! I nearly pooped in my pants.
I actually had a great time overseas. Exhausting doing so much travel and work in such a short time, but it was good for me. I have come back feeling all inspired and motivated to achieve even more! Now I just have to clone myself and not sleep for the rest of my life and I should be fine.
Marko and Rose did a sterling job taking care of the kids. I did however notice that Kate has a fringe now which she didn't have before (I think you call them bangs?). Apparently there was an incident involving a stuck hair clip, a fumbling husband and a pair of scissors but I was too scared to find out exactly what happened.
And now I have to go to sleep as I am still a little fatigued after my transatlantic foray, but I am going to come back tomorrow to tell you about:
- My personal experience of the BA strike
- A super chap that I met on the plane
- My biggest knob moment EVER.
PS knob is my new favourite word. I got it from my brother. Love it. Knob.
PPS the three things above are unrelated. Just in case you were wondering.
LOL glad you're back. Knob is such an expressive word!
Posted by: Jeanette | 30 March 2010 at 10:07 PM
In grad school, my friends and I created a mythology where we were all superheros. I chose the name "Knight of Brownness," which unfortunately became KnOB for short.
Another friend wanted to be called "SuperChic" so of course we called her "SuperChick."
In the end, the mythology just became about mocking each other.
Posted by: JP Villanueva | 30 March 2010 at 10:08 PM
I'm sorry to be such an idiot, what does knob stand for? ("mop, mob, knot, not"...)
Posted by: diana | 30 March 2010 at 10:15 PM
Don't forget Kate's hair..do tell...I feel a funny story coming on!
Posted by: Mary | 31 March 2010 at 01:38 AM
It is tomorrow....where are you.... ;-)
@Diane - here you go... http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=knob
Posted by: PB | 31 March 2010 at 03:52 AM
Don't you understand that it is high time to receive the loan, which would make you dreams real.
Posted by: OdonnellDELORES32 | 31 March 2010 at 07:29 AM
LOL! Glad about the unrelated part!
Posted by: Janet | 31 March 2010 at 08:41 AM
LOVE London - try not to convert to ZAR when there otherwise anything is expensive. Vienna - full of old people - infact they have a minus growth rate, but for the cultural I suppose it is great.
Posted by: Tripsmom | 31 March 2010 at 09:40 AM
I love knob too. And cock! (v.rude!) And plonker! And numpty!
Posted by: BiancaW | 31 March 2010 at 10:25 AM
CHOP is good too! AM fond of that word my-very-self! Sorry u never met up with Doris whilst in London ;-) But glad u back s&s tho!
Posted by: rindacella | 31 March 2010 at 10:37 AM
knob - ha! that's great. oh and someone said my favorite NZ word - plonker!
Posted by: Van Kapeghian | 31 March 2010 at 03:02 PM
What are you doing traveling so much now, girl?? Now you can call yourself a real Sagittarius. You were giving us a bad reputation before... I used to travel about half of the month for work and it was not funny at all, but once in a while it is nice.
If you ever decide to expand to The Americas, let me know, I am tired of my job! (18 years of it is enough, I guess). Lawyer, MBA, goddess, infertile, 9 IVFs, you name it...
Welcome back!
Posted by: Dana | 31 March 2010 at 08:02 PM
PS: I think cars are more addictive than porn. My husband would never ever set the alarm clock (and get up) at 4:00 AM to watch porn or even Playboy girls. Now, to watch a Formula 1 race... Oh, yeah. I think he is secretely in love with Michael Schummacher.
Posted by: Dana | 31 March 2010 at 08:08 PM
Glad to have you back. Just wanted to mention two things - 35 Euros for soup and salad is expensive anywhere! More importantly, knob has more than one meaning so maybe the man on the plane and your biggest knob moment ever are connected? haha!
Posted by: Heidi | 31 March 2010 at 08:45 PM
I am so with Mel on this one - update your blog please DAILY!!!!!!!!!! Or get Rose to do it - you and Mel are my daily reading while having coffee - only its a bit hard to drink coffee with nothing to read!!!!!! Your children are gorgoeus by the way!!!!!! And look after Rose - she is a gem and probably should be called Queen Rose!!!! PS - Knob wins hands down as my fave word but plonker does the trick regularly in the traffic!!!!!!
Posted by: Alexa Ristow | 01 April 2010 at 09:47 AM
KNOB is a word I use a lot in the car when yelling at other stupid drivers!!
Posted by: Debbie in the UK | 01 April 2010 at 09:44 PM
I love the word knob too - it's used a lot in Australia - well especially when I was growing up. Americanisms have snuck in a bit now.
Posted by: BridgieDidge | 02 April 2010 at 01:08 PM
I spent a few days in Vienna with a friend back in '97. We took a bus or streetcar in that big loop around central Vienna so we saw the outside of the famous museums and sites...but mostly we went shopping (this was before H&M had gone worldwide) and ate at cafes. We did go the, whaddayacallit, Schlossbrünn? And that big cathedral? But mostly shopping. It was awesome and I have no regrets.
In London, we pretended that pounds were dollars so everything was merely a little expensive rather than OMIGOD MORE THAN TWICE AS EXPENSIVE as in the US. We bought cheap t-shirts at H&M (we needed lighter clothes for that one hot day), and a reasonable carry-on bag at Harrods.
I look forward to learning of your knobby experience, Tertia.
Posted by: Orange | 04 April 2010 at 03:57 PM
That's a fun little adventure you had in London. You might not have gotten anything material wise, but you got to see London. It's been on my bucket list to see London, but so far it's not looking good. Anyway, thanks for blogging. I enjoy reading your blogs.
Posted by: Bingo Reviews | 06 April 2010 at 10:45 PM
Yes, you need to post more!!! Glad you had a great trip.
Posted by: Heather | 07 April 2010 at 12:30 PM
I was in London as a teenager. I came back with a Red Dwarf t-shirt and a pair of handcuffs. I'm not sure I could afford much more than that now. Stupid weak dollar...
Fortunately, I don't like shopping anyway. ;)
Posted by: jenG | 07 April 2010 at 08:35 PM
Please read how IVF medications led to my breast cancer and how a breast cancer study using genetic testing to check estrogen metabolism is saving my life. Please share my story with all women who have used or are considering IVF, HRT and anyone with estrogen positive breast cancer.
Posted by: Stacia | 09 April 2010 at 01:47 PM