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I agree with you about packing it all up again. With the exception of chemicals, I believe in house-proofing the baby not baby-proofing the house. Because you may visit people who's house isn't baby-proofed and if you have trained your child not to touch the pretties at your house, he might just remember it when in another home. Plus it's a good time to start discipline at that age.

My little one is at the crawling stage, too, but I don't give her the run of the house... too much dog hair on the carpet! I mostly keep her penned up in her "baby jail" (fenced in area of the living room that's full of toys and no danger). This is fine for now, but I know I'm in trouble when she actually starts to walk...

OMG Little Maxie is crawling ALREADY where has the time gone? A&K entertaining as ever!

Aww. That is some serious cuteness. Suddenly Max looks so much like Adam it's really amazing.

What? You mean they give you underwear and take away your clothes?

The black socks TOTALLY make the outfits work for Adam and Kate!

Max looks just like Adam!

Did I tell you that I think of Max all the time, I use the dishwasher, it says Max, kettle; Max, washing machine; Max. Boy, he is never out of my head!

He is way ahead of Tim, Tim is going to do things in Tim Time; when he is ready! But also keep in mind he is still wearing his 3-6 months clothes, and he is 11 months old next week!


Tertia - baby Max is too flipping cute!

A&K - them two are some seriously special babes!

I thought my son was an angel too and then he got a bit older. He is 15 months old and hectic. I decided not to pack things away. We don't have many breakable objects but for the most part he has learned not to touch our things.

Max is super cute.

Dude. He does look just like Adam, wow. With Kate's eyes. It's like you skommelled the two of them up.

Our babies are at the exact same stage, only difference Mia is now 8 months old.

Can you believe how fast they grow and crawl for that matter!

Good luck!

Yes, babies on the move are something to be feared. My boys are now 17 months and no longer walk...they RUN everywhere. The other day I was so proud of Nate when he wiped his own snotty nose with a kleenex. That was until a few minutes later when I found him sucking on that same kleenex which was then soaking wet with water from the toilet. It is so hard to baby proof everything! You kids are absolutely beautiful by the way.

Love the pics - especially the last one! That should make the graduation (from high school) cake!

i love that picture, and i love that it's the gift from the airline!

They both looking so cute and I like them ... Very sweet post...

Looking on this site for information or help with planning a graduation party. Where to shop for decorations, plates, what to serve! Alot of work, but I guess well worth it! I found a place on the internet, www.esigns.com, that makes custom banners for $9, size is 2ft by 4ft made of vinly and super easy to design. If anyone has info that would be useful I'd appreciate it! Thank you

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