Me: Guys, remember Uncle Paulie, mommy's brother? * lives in London, so we dont see him too often
Adam: yes?
Me: He has got a new girlfriend. Apparently she is really pretty (apparently Uncle Paulie's big sister went spying on Uncle Paulie's Facebook friends list to see what Uncle Paulie's new girlfriend looked like - and yes, she is really pretty)
Adam: What is her name?
Me: xxxx
pauses for thought
Adam: But does he still love us?
Me: Of course he does.
Adam: Kate, I love you
Kate: Well, I dont love you
Me: Kate! That is not very nice, your brother is being so sweet
Kate: But I dont love him
Me: Adam, dont worry, I love you, very much
Adam: And I love you mom, up to a million times. I love you even when I be a dad. I love you even when I am a Pops.
Me: Thanks Adam, that is so sweet, I love you a million times too
Adam: Does she have teeth?
Me: Does who have teeth?
Adam: Uncle Paulie's girlfriend
Me: Of course she does! (she says hopefully)
Adam: Does she have teeth like me or big teeth like you?
Me: Big teeth like me.
Adam: Mom, why do old people's teeth fall out?
(now it all makes sense! His grandfather Pops bit into a peach pip on the weekend and his crown broke off. this clearly had a big impact on Adam)
Me: Well, sometimes when people get older their teeth get a bit looser and then they fall out.
Adam: Mom, I love you even when I am a Pops and even when my teeth fall out.
Adam: yes?
Me: He has got a new girlfriend. Apparently she is really pretty (apparently Uncle Paulie's big sister went spying on Uncle Paulie's Facebook friends list to see what Uncle Paulie's new girlfriend looked like - and yes, she is really pretty)
Adam: What is her name?
Me: xxxx
pauses for thought
Adam: But does he still love us?
Me: Of course he does.
Adam: Kate, I love you
Kate: Well, I dont love you
Me: Kate! That is not very nice, your brother is being so sweet
Kate: But I dont love him
Me: Adam, dont worry, I love you, very much
Adam: And I love you mom, up to a million times. I love you even when I be a dad. I love you even when I am a Pops.
Me: Thanks Adam, that is so sweet, I love you a million times too
Adam: Does she have teeth?
Me: Does who have teeth?
Adam: Uncle Paulie's girlfriend
Me: Of course she does! (she says hopefully)
Adam: Does she have teeth like me or big teeth like you?
Me: Big teeth like me.
Adam: Mom, why do old people's teeth fall out?
(now it all makes sense! His grandfather Pops bit into a peach pip on the weekend and his crown broke off. this clearly had a big impact on Adam)
Me: Well, sometimes when people get older their teeth get a bit looser and then they fall out.
Adam: Mom, I love you even when I am a Pops and even when my teeth fall out.
Me: Thank you Adam, me too
We are meeting Uncle Paulie's new girlfriend soon. I hope she does have teeth or else Adam is going to be very disappointed.
Even toothless girlfriends can be lovely. Dentists do good work making dentures, you know. I hope Paulie's not shocked to see her teeth in a jar at the bedside.
Posted by: Orange | 21 January 2010 at 10:26 PM
i have a feeling adam is going to be more impressed if she doesn't have teeth...
Posted by: jacki janse van rensburg | 21 January 2010 at 10:53 PM
Classic. Utterly hilarious. And a good "Welcome-to-the-Family" (Meet the Fockers? / initiation) for the new girlfriend, already featured on boyfriend's sister's famous blog. I like it. You'll have to post a pic, of her teeth at least, once you've met her!! :-)
Posted by: melissa | 22 January 2010 at 03:19 AM
OH! So sweet! That boy is delicious!!! Give him a big hug. T
Posted by: Tam | 22 January 2010 at 05:34 AM
This was the perfect post to start my day.
Posted by: Julia | 22 January 2010 at 08:13 AM
Oh this is sweet Tertia - that boy just speaks to the heart. Now Kate, she is just an original. To be expected, I guess.
Posted by: cat@juggling act | 22 January 2010 at 08:29 AM
LOL! That was gorgeous! Nothing like conversations with kids to get the day going! Thanks for sharing! :)
Posted by: Janet | 22 January 2010 at 10:00 AM
LOL that's too cute!
Posted by: Jeanette | 22 January 2010 at 10:32 AM
Clearly she's not from the Western Cape where it is compulsory to remove your teeth... hee, hee! :)
Posted by: Wobs | 22 January 2010 at 01:59 PM
That is so cute!
Posted by: Patsi | 22 January 2010 at 04:34 PM
Did Uncle Paulie get divorced? Did I miss something?
Hope I'm not out of line!!! xxx
Posted by: Lindsay | 22 January 2010 at 07:26 PM
Uncle Paulie did get divorced, sadly :-(
Posted by: Tertia | 22 January 2010 at 08:00 PM
Wow, it doesn't seem that long ago that he got married.
Posted by: Kim | 23 January 2010 at 06:25 AM
I was wondering about his marital status too. I'm sorry his marriage didn't work out, but am glad to hear that he seems to be moving on OK.
Posted by: Sara | 24 January 2010 at 03:55 AM