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Even toothless girlfriends can be lovely. Dentists do good work making dentures, you know. I hope Paulie's not shocked to see her teeth in a jar at the bedside.

i have a feeling adam is going to be more impressed if she doesn't have teeth...

Classic. Utterly hilarious. And a good "Welcome-to-the-Family" (Meet the Fockers? / initiation) for the new girlfriend, already featured on boyfriend's sister's famous blog. I like it. You'll have to post a pic, of her teeth at least, once you've met her!! :-)

OH! So sweet! That boy is delicious!!! Give him a big hug. T

This was the perfect post to start my day.

Oh this is sweet Tertia - that boy just speaks to the heart. Now Kate, she is just an original. To be expected, I guess.

LOL! That was gorgeous! Nothing like conversations with kids to get the day going! Thanks for sharing! :)

LOL that's too cute!

Clearly she's not from the Western Cape where it is compulsory to remove your teeth... hee, hee! :)

That is so cute!

Did Uncle Paulie get divorced? Did I miss something?
Hope I'm not out of line!!! xxx

Uncle Paulie did get divorced, sadly :-(

Wow, it doesn't seem that long ago that he got married.

I was wondering about his marital status too. I'm sorry his marriage didn't work out, but am glad to hear that he seems to be moving on OK.

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