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I'm glad they had such a great day.

One thing I learned from someone when my kids were little is to ask very specific questions like "what was your favorite part of today" or "did anything funny happen today - tell me about it" It's easier for them than if you ask them "what did you do today" because they can't shuffle through the day to pick out something to talk about but with a little prompt they can.

Love kiddie logic :-) It's great that they had a good day and no tears. (Parting tears that is.)

The first day of school is the best!!! I just love it! I am so glad your kids had a good first day! Loved the story!

Teacher Julia IS GREAT...The kids will be just fine

oh my boys are still like that when I ask them about their day they say "maaaaa, we're tired can't we talk about this later." Then in their next breath tell each other a million things they did and said.

21stCentury Mom is very right. If you want to find out school things try if you can find out the schedule and the names of the activities. Who knows if it is called writing or letters or words or pencil playtime?
Good luck and thanks for the pictures.

LOVE the Jungle Beat backpack. My kids have the t-shirt and the DVD and I love...the fact that DVD has no words.

My son is doing well in grade R. Daughter's first day of nursery is today and...I think she is okay. She's much harder than the first.

LOL glad the red shirt girl is nice :)

You are such a FAB mom.... I am starting to get so nervous for my littly who starts proper pre-school next week.... no more play group! Eeek! Hope mine finds a red shirt girl too.

Ok, this may be a weird question, but here goes....

What do you put in your kids backpacks? My son goes to preschool and does not carry one. Just curious!

PS You might want to edit second red shirt. It's a little shitty. HA! I kill me!

Don't want to start a war, but it looks like they are wearing shoes!!!!! ;-)

Teacher Julia is great. They're going to have a great start with her.
How early/ late were you to be able to take photos like that with no-one else in them? There were crowds when we arrived...

Darling souls! Spell check hon...(refer "red shit" heheh!!)

The red shit made me laugh so hard!

awwww.....i got a little teary reading about adam and kate's first day. made me think that my Kid's first day at big school is not that far away either....

having a bit of a hard time adjusting to not being a SAHM any more, and thought I was dealing with it quite well until reading this post and realising that there's going to be so much that i'm going to miss out on. and...now i'm howling.


Katie is wearing a cute dress!! That's sweet. It is nice that they have each other. I think I will enroll with my son when the time comes.

Sorry for the typo! I meant Kate, not Katie...

They're looking so grown-up, Tertia! So glad to hear the school transition went well.

What a wonderful post! Things haven't changed a bit since I saw my kids off to kindergarten - many many years ago. One daughter was so excited on her first day that she ran at top speed to her friends house down the block, fell, and severely skinned up knee. But we got it "fixed" up in time to make it to school.

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