* broeks is Afrikaans slang for panties
Wow, I go away for two days and all hell breaks loose! I haven't had time to read your recent comments properly, but a quick glance at my BlackBerry tells me that things have got a little heated around here.
I've been away for two days, did you miss me? Or did you not even notice I was gone, you fair-weather fickle friends of mine!
I had a little trip planned for Monday and Tuesday, but due to Rose's early leave, I had to do some fancy footwork to arrange care of the offspring while I was away. Marko is at work during the day, schools are closed, Rose is away so I was pretty stuck. Luckily my lovely mother helped out with the twins, but I had no one to look after old Maxie boy so I took him with me! He was SUCH a superstar on the trip. Very good on the flight up to Joburg and mostly quite good on the flight back (he was quite tired so cried a little, but was mostly really good). I met Rose in Joburg at the airport (she was delighted to see her charge) and then we all went back to the hotel. Rose and Max went off to do their thing and I had a few appointments. I booked a hotel room for Rose and Max, and another one for myself. The prospect of a full night's sleep was VERY alluring. Unfortunately I worked until 11 and then was WIDE AWAKE at 5am. But it's the thought that counts, so they say.
It seems strange to take Max aalllll the way to Joburg with me but it worked out really well. It was so fun to see Rose, Max had a great time and I felt much better knowing that he was close by and well looked after.
I must say, I felt quite proud of me. I am normally SUPER anal about routine and about staying home etc, but there I was, baby and all, winging my way across the country! Go me! Getting quite adventurous in my old age. Next stop - BINGO!
PS Max really is THE most friendly, sweet, easy baby in the world. I am so damn lucky!
I am very fond of that chap.
Writing about me and my panties again, are you? Pervert! --Louise
Posted by: Louise Sloan | 15 December 2009 at 09:33 PM
Thats so awesome!
Posted by: Angel | 15 December 2009 at 09:33 PM
Max is the MAN!
Posted by: MFA Mama | 15 December 2009 at 09:59 PM
Shall we see how long it takes for someone to give you shit about not having Max in YOUR room and sticking him with the nanny instead? Glad he traveled well and could be near you! I am also a nanny and adore the kids I work with.
Posted by: CJ | 15 December 2009 at 10:18 PM
WHAT? You know some people work full time, travel for work, take their kids on business trips and hide them under the table at the corporate meeting and stay at a hostel and share a common bathroom and drop off their twins at an orphanage for the day and still manage? I thought I would try to sound like one of the green-with-envy, woe-is-me, you cannot complain unless you live in a hut and eat you own fleas commenters, but I feel I am failing. I took my kids on business trips when they were infants (because they were severely attached to the boob) and the nanny as well. It actually works out better than leaving them at home. Max sounds like a keeper, my second daughter was a good traveler as well.
Posted by: lolismum | 15 December 2009 at 11:10 PM
Go YOU!! I totally get the achievement in this post. Totally!
And I must say....babies are the bomb. I so wish I had known that when mine were babies. Geesh as they get bigger so do the issues!!
Posted by: Melody | 15 December 2009 at 11:16 PM
man, you have some nerve, writing a stir-em-up post and then buggering off to 'work', and managing to take rose away from her emergency situation. and then not having the baby in the same room as you?????
can't wait to read the comments on THIS POST. *sighs contentedly to self, feeling really glad that tertia didnt really go all boring and totally satisfied mothery on us, so the posts are still coming, and so that i get to feel superior to people who just don't have a sense of humour and whinge all day' . . . *
Posted by: ruth | 15 December 2009 at 11:29 PM
Most certainly the replies to THIS post will be worth making a pot of coffee and getting comfy for.
Couldn't you have at least required Rose to return early? would have made the drama SO much more .... well, more....
Posted by: [email protected] | 15 December 2009 at 11:36 PM
Awesome! He will be quite the traveler I am sure!
Posted by: Kim | 16 December 2009 at 12:36 AM
Sounds like a great trip! Glad you took Max with you. Sounds very very cool!
Posted by: Heather | 16 December 2009 at 02:33 AM
Having flown with children at various ages, I can safely say that flying with a baby is easier than flying with 4ish year olds. I have no idea, however, what would happen if you tried to take said baby into a biz meeting. So glad Rose could swing by to give you a hand.
Posted by: tiah | 16 December 2009 at 07:31 AM
Can I have your Rose? My Rose is totally pissing me off lately. Well done with flying with Max, we are about to fly with our 5-year old triplets and I don't know if I should be anxious or excited!
Posted by: Tripsmom | 16 December 2009 at 11:11 AM
Missed you desperately!!! Go Rose, Go Max, Go You!!! Next stop Frankfurt...
A change is as good as a holiday. My only concern is that you didn't impose your smiling babe on those you met with. That would have been UBER MOMish!
Posted by: Sandra Claassen | 16 December 2009 at 03:55 PM
SOOOOOOOO bloody impressed that you did that! I wouldn't even have thought to do that..and it worked out brilliantly for you! Your little max is too blooming adorable, he reminds me so much
of ethan when he was that age..full of smiles and easy. Awesome tertia, you should be proud of yourself :-) seriously!
Posted by: ren | 16 December 2009 at 05:30 PM
So in response to the butt wiping story, here's a funny story from my house:
My son is 4 and was very easily potty trained at 3, no problems, very quick, yadda yadda. Well, he calls me over when he poops EVERY. TIME.
"Moooom, there's poop in my butt!" So I ask him, okay, why don't you tell Dad? "Because he doesn't like poop. He doesn't want to wipe me." I ask him, "But what if I don't want to wipe you?" "No, you like it, because you're the best mom I ever saw'd!" Lol. Flattery wins. I don't trust him to wipe his own butt without either 1. doing it wrong or 2. clogging the toilet. And there are bigger problems to worry about in life.
Posted by: Diana | 17 December 2009 at 03:01 AM
Well I think its terrible that you would take your baby out of his routine to travel in an airplane that could crash and getting your nanny to leave her black family to take care of your white baby all the while leaving your elderly mother to take care of your IVF twins.
Why don't you stay home and take care of your own children. You should cement up your swimming pool and use the pool money to raise your kids, buy them shoes and send Rose to varsity instead.
You should also give your fave sister Mellie some of the money you used to pay Rose and buy her an enormous Christmas present.
Posted by: Anonmelis | 17 December 2009 at 10:30 AM
you are very funny. i have just started reading you (came over from a little pregnant). haven't read the negative comments on your last post but i can imagine. i wrote into the paper complaining about our school bus letting kids off without parents to meet them, and, among the comments i received, of course i should quit my job so i could always be there to receive them, rather than a sitter (just too bad for me if i quit my job and stay home, barefoot and pregnant, cooking, cleaning, and greeting my kids with homemade cookies after school,have a stroke and am passed out on my kitchen floor when the bus arrives) but also i shouldn't have had them in the first place if i wasn't prepared to take care of them every minute of every day, and from there i must be a ho who got knocked up outside of holy matrimony. blah blah blah.
you are right, it is tiresome to explain a joke to someone without a sense of humor.
you go girl.
Posted by: melanie | 17 December 2009 at 12:18 PM
damm you Tertia! Making me stay up to read all 109 comments on your last post, so I don't feel like I'm missing out!! Bloody hell!!! 109 comments???
LOVED your post!!! Am having MAJOR sense of humour failure myself these school holidays! PLUS - I have the out-laws staying with me from the UK.... oh-me-shattered-nerves... pass me the wine!!
And - as a final point: Why the hell did you not come and visit me when you were up in the big smoke Jozi?? I could have given that gorgeous Max a squeeze!
Posted by: Kirsty | 17 December 2009 at 10:37 PM
I really want one like that.
Posted by: acidicice | 18 December 2009 at 07:36 AM