4 years ago, in a sudden flash of genius that was part brilliance part madness, I had the seemingly brilliant idea of giving my husband 6 pieces of paper with the words "one free pass" printed on each of them. It seemed liked a really good idea at the time as he is very hard to buy gifts for. However, one key flaw of my idea is that I had not specified the terms and conditions of the offer. I foolishly though that my husband would use the tickets for things like a night out with his wife, or a home cooked meal (clearly not cooked by his wife), a back rub etc. However, Marko had only one type of free pass he wanted, and he used all the tickets for that one thing.
Another major error was not collecting the tickets after use. After the 17th appearance of a rather worn looking ticket, I began to suspect he was reusing the same ticket over and over again. Cunning man.
Finally, I had forgotten the all important issue of an expiry date. No 'special offer' is offered for an unlimited period of time - that is hardly special is it.
My mistakes of the past came back to haunt me last night. While scratching around his cupboard looking for something, Marko found the well-used last remaining free pass and stuck it up on the light switch.
We had a good laugh about it, what an industrious chap he is.
Which made it even harder for me to explain to him that unfortunately the offer was only valid while I was in my thirties. It had unfortunately expired Nov 2008 on my 40th birthday.
Which goes to show, it really is so important to read the fine print on everything nowadays.
LOL The gift that keeps giving! Woot woot!
Posted by: InDueTime | 19 November 2009 at 07:03 AM
Okay, I am so doing this and on the back I am going to list the terms and conditions with an expiration date. LOL
Posted by: Kim @ Beautiful Wreck | 19 November 2009 at 07:13 AM
Tertia! That is just mean!! I hope you displayed some good customer service and let him use that very last ticket!!!
Posted by: BiancaW | 19 November 2009 at 09:31 AM
It's been four years since I read that post? Man, I really need to get a life.
Haha, okay not really. But, that is crazy it's been so long. And, I really should do this with my husband. ;)
Posted by: Andrea | 19 November 2009 at 11:07 AM
That means that the Free Pass moved house with you :)
Posted by: Debbie | 19 November 2009 at 01:11 PM
OMG, I remember that post. I can't believe Marko still has that free pass...LOL.
Posted by: Kristin | 19 November 2009 at 03:05 PM
He's a recycler! Good for him!
Posted by: Judy | 19 November 2009 at 11:05 PM
Posted by: Sharon | 20 November 2009 at 10:36 AM
Off-topic: what kind of weird light switch is that?
Posted by: Laura | 21 November 2009 at 02:58 AM
Geesh, I have been following you for some time I guess as I too remember that post :)
Posted by: Amy | 21 November 2009 at 05:06 AM
My hubby also got similar free passes.( From me) Except these weren't home-made, they were a real book of vouchers, and they had tick boxes on them, eg: This voucher entitles the user to 1 free (and then you tick the box) with suggestions being: Night of passion, blowjob, free meal, night off etc...
I mad ethe huge mistake of not pre selecting a box for each voucher AND of including a tub of chocolate body paint with the gift!!! YIKES. (This was pre -kids BTW! Sooo wouldn't get a gift like that these days)
Anyhoo - you can guess which box he ticked each time!
Spin forward 6 years PLUS a transcontinental move.... and last month hubby whips out an unused voucher and leaves it on my pillow!!!!!
He managed to drag that book of vouchers across the ocean when we moved here.... but somehow managed to leave half our furniture in the UK????
MEN! There brains are in their balls!
Posted by: Kirsty | 22 November 2009 at 08:56 AM
Sorry - for all the grammar police out there.... I mean Their brains are in their balls
Posted by: Kirsty | 22 November 2009 at 08:58 AM