While I am not exactly a gym bunny (bit old to be a bunny, more like a gym rabbit), I am still doing the gym thing. I am not skipping off to each session (more like a limp, dragging my terribly unenthusiastic limbs behind me), but I do go. Mostly because I've paid for the sessions and if there is something I hate more than gym it is wasting money.
Actually, I don't hate gym. Gym is ok'ish. It is just that I would far rather be sitting at my desk doing some work (and perhaps enjoy a small, calorie-laden snack) than strengthening my inner thighs. I can think of far more enjoyable ways of doing that.
But go I must as I clearly enjoyed far too many of those calorie-laden snacks while I was pregnant.
The good thing is that I am seeing results. The weight is not magically dropping off me and I am comfortably faaaar away from being anorexic, but I am losing centimeters. Plus the odd kilo or two. I am going to post my 'stats' when I get them back from the personal trainer on Wednesday (remember her? the one who is 'used to working with the elderly'? I am still with her, she's nice. And good with elderly)
I know I would lose weight faster if I cut back on the wine but to be honest, going to gym is punishment enough, I would rather hack at my wrists with a blunt butter knife than give up my Chardonnay.
In summary, my Gym and Chardonnay Diet Program is going well, if a little slowly. Will post evidence of said results soon
I do not know how you make the time and get the energy for gym. I try and orbitrek at home. I have 7kg post baby to loose. I would also losse it quicker if I could leave the red wine. But it helps me relax and is my only vice. I guess at least I'm not gaining weight...
Posted by: Lena | 27 October 2009 at 09:33 AM
i have a wonderful (or frkn depressing- depending on how you view it) article written by a weightloss doc on alcohol, women and weight. it gives the reasons WHY alcohol makes it so darn hard to whip that ass into shape. hard to take if you are a 'few per nighter' like myself, but, informative and motivating if you want to lose those last few stubborn acres of lard. let me know, and i will email it to you if you decide to brave it out.
i read it, took the info on board, finally admitted that even tho i only drink a little, it was still too much given my determination to lose weight, and have cut right back with GOOD RESULTS. it sucks balls, but it works.
Posted by: ruth | 27 October 2009 at 03:17 PM
Heh. I love this -- I am exactly the same. Love my wine too much, would rather try to work it off with a bit more activity. Cheers!
PS-Definitely don't want that diet Dr. article ruth!
Posted by: Scout | 02 November 2009 at 12:19 AM