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Tee hee! I love it! Kids (especially at this age) are so brutally honest. We got into a discussion one year on our Pajama Day at the preschool about what their mommies and daddies wore to bed...I couldn't look those parents in the eye that afternoon!

LOL -- so apparently YOU spend too much time on the computer and Adam spends too much time in the naughty chair! (And - what does a Kate do?)

Funny! But what about Kate, what's her job?

"Fighting baddies" Ok... that must be every dad's dream answer for my parents' job show&tell: "My dad is Batman!"

And what does Kate do?

Betcha it is annoying Adam!

Where do you get Baby Mozart from? Desparately need a copy for 'him who never sleeps' and 'never allows his parents enough time for a cup of coffee'.

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