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Yay Tertia!Feel the burn, in about 2 weeks you are going to feel superb.

take video and send it to us.

Either the old folks are more fit than you or she is losing customers fast!

I am countin on Kiara's words above. I started the gym too about a week and a half ago and I hate every second of it. I go, because I have a fat ass that I am trying to conquer but I keep waiting for that feeling people talk about ... something about a wall, or endorphins or something... I'm not feeling it.

Getting back to the biting thing briefly - glad she seems to be doing better with it. I do get that it's hard to not get upset when your child is the bitee/pushee but... Litigation might have been over the top.
As a matter of interest, in every instance I've heard of this stateside, the policy is not to disclose to the biter's parents who was bitten, and neither to let the bitee's parents nkow who did the biting. Obviously with older kids, they might let the cat out of the bag, but as a strategy in tension minimization, it does mae a bit of sense, don't you think?

I was just informed that my son bit another child the other day. It is mortifying! I'm glad she came around.

I'm not a fan of the gym in general (I prefer to workout where there are not 50 strangers milling about) but hopefully it just means you'll see results faster!

Other mother probably just wants to get in Marko's pants.

hehe Bec, in his dreams!


Just as well you didn't get a trainer used to working with the young and restless!

Told you a trainer will make you realise that what you had planned to do in the Gym would have been a glorious waste of time.

Hang on, it gets better, soon you'll feel fit as a fiddle! Nothing quite like those endorphins rushing through a strong and toned body. Miss that, a lot!


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