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Hey the car looks sexy too but that is coming from a mom who whould sell her kidney for a bigger car!!!! He-he! You are very fit!!! I wouldn't last 10 minutes and I wouldn't be able to lift my arms to eat pizza afterward! Congratulations!!!!

good choice on the car. it may not be sexy, but it's very classy for sure.

Nice car. I would gladly trade my ancient mini-van for that.

LOL You are a nut! I was so worried there would be no room for all your kids in the car.

Good choice in car - enough seats for other kids when they come to doing playdates that involve you driving around to the chosen locale they actually wish to play at! Lucky getting a new car, they are too expensive in NZ for us to contemplate.

Wooohoooo. You are going to have the same car as me! I did/ do recommend it. It is a great car, spacious, good looking, sturdy, drives smoothly and Toyota's service is excellent. Enjoy!!

Congrats on the car. More congrats on session #1. You will certainly soon be a very foxy elderly mom, with a very ride.

Toyotas are great. I just got home and lunch was 8 hours ago and I've not eaten yet so I'm not going to go convert this, but my Toyota has 155,000 miles (translation: a LOT) on it and is 5 years old. (I have a long commute to work). I am not particularly great about caring for it; it gets oil changes about on time and tires/brakes/etc as needed. But it still gets INCREDIBLE gas mileage (41-43 miles per gallon, ie. outstanding) and is as reliable as the sun. Thus far it has had exactly 2 headlights burn out, one or two sets of brakes, and various tire replacements. It's going Friday for it's very first real repair and that's a belt that is supposed to be changed at 100,000 miles but which stayed in great condition. Even the windshield wipers lasted for an amazingly long time (2 years?) before being changed. I love it dearly and hate that I need to replace it with something with 4 wheel drive sometime relatively soon. With the economy so bad there's a big thing to "buy American, support the economy" and generally I do try, even buying some things locally that I could save a bit on in the city where I work. But this car makes that idea hard to buy at this point.

Sorry to be the "poop" on this post - my dad has a Toyota dealership and there are 2 kinds of fortuners:
1. Those who have rolled over
2. Those who have to yet roll
There is a design flaw in the back suspension that causes the fortuner to bounch and then it just flips over - you dont have to be going at high speeds for it to happen. Other than that they are cool cars.

T, I also don't want to rain on your parade, but my husband researched just about every 4x4 on the planet before he made his choice, and Fortuner was really bad as far as rolling was concerned. Rolling over is a problem in most of the high-roofed SUV's - Land Rover Discovery another case in point. YouTube and several other sites bear testament to this. I think if you are aware, it will help.

awesomeness tertia..i think its a pretty sexy car no matter what you say! sjoe..wouldn't mind being behind that wheel :-)

I love the Fortuner, it reminded me of the Land Cruiser we had. I was lucky enough to be allowed to sit in one when they very first came out. The guy who bought it said there was a crowd watching him take it away!

Toyotas go forever - as a previous commenter said.

Good luck and happy driving.

I like the looks, but I am partial to the Honda line. The Pilot has a similar look too.

Hi Tertia
I have 2 year old triplets and a 10 year old. I drive a fortuner and love it. The 2 seats at the back come in handy. Enjoy

Regarding the roll-over issue. Those in the know get a simple conversion done on the suspension (don't ask me what it is called, I know someone who did this conversion, but names of stuff slip out my mind like water off teflon). The rollovers mostly happen on uneven dirt roads, at certain speeds...so unless you're contemplating a bundu-bash through the Richtersveld, with a wannabe F1 driver in the main seat...... ;)

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