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Fat baby cheeks! Nomnomnomnomnom!

You do have an abundance of riches. They are gorgeous!

You are truly blessed with your beautiful family.


I love this photo of them :) You are rich indeed

So darling!

Ohh, they are so very gorgeous and sweet looking!

They are beautiful, Tertia!


Sometimes we forget what really makes us rich and need to be reminded. It's about the proper mind set....

Five years ago, it was hard to believe this is where you would be. Wonderful picture.

Enjoy every moment with your children, they are special riches indeed.

You are truly blessed.

I started reading your blog when you were still hoping and doing all you could to make kids in your relationship and family.

Now look at you! 3 kidlets and a successful business helping others. '

So very admirable Tertia :) And so happy for you all.

Beautiful children! Fantastic picture of all three of them.

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