It is true. Once you give birth, you lose 50% of your brain capacity. It only partially returns.
I have been incredibly doff (SA slang for stupid / slow / thick / intellectually challenged) lately.
On Friday I tried to recharge my electric tooth brush, but no matter how long I left it in the charger, it remained flat. I couldn’t use the stupid thing. I tried my old toothbrush in the charger, but it didn’t want to charge. I was furious. I went out and bought another electric toothbrush on Saturday (bloody expensive), all the while composing an indignant letter in my mind addressed to Oral B. “Dear Oral B. I am a loyal customer of many years. A month ago… blah blah blah”. As I was about to look up their email address online, I suddenly had a thought. I wonder if perhaps I hadn’t quite plugged the charger in correctly. Tried again and oops. The toothbrush is working. So now I have three electric toothbrushes. The old one, the new’ish one and the brand new one. All three work. How useful to have three electric toothbrushes.
On Sunday morning I discovered I had run out of ADSL (broadband internet). Here in South Africa you purchase a certain volume and if you run out, you have to buy more. So I went online using my mobile / 3G and tried to purchase another gig. The stupid input form kept saying I had entered my credit card number incorrectly. I retried a few times, still no joy. I then walked all the way downstairs to fetch another credit card, same error message. By now I am getting cross. I phone the helpdesk and had a big moan at the operator. Blah blah ridiculous, site not working, blah blah and as I am speaking to her I suddenly notice that I am putting in my name in the credit card field and my credit card number in the name field. I changed them around and within 0.2 seconds, I had my extra gig. I mumbled something about ‘trying one more time’ and hung up.
The list goes on, but they are too embarrassing to admit. I really do hope my brain returns soon.
I leave you with Kate’s latest work of art, a friendly monster. (She only ever draws monsters. Luckily most of them are friendly.)
Cool, learned a new word today. Hate to say it, normal function of brain will never be back at 100%. I do those sorts of things all the time.
Posted by: Liz | 22 June 2009 at 09:51 PM
Don't worry, I have no kids and I already have porridge brain myself! Example: Today I was happily surfing the internet, when my laptop says "preparing to hibernate" WTF? I am angry, I think something is seriously wrong with it!...Then I notice the power cord on the floor. The dammned thing hadn't been plugged in all morning! Oops.
I love K's monster picture, especially the teeth. I think I prefer a toothy monster. :)
Posted by: Rachel | 22 June 2009 at 10:00 PM
I giggled at your name/credit card mix-up. Your doffitude is most entertaining! We need more Tertia's True Tales of Doffitude.
Posted by: Orange | 22 June 2009 at 11:11 PM
haha, yes i know this porridge brain thingy for sure
Posted by: furiousBall | 22 June 2009 at 11:47 PM
just to warn you, it won't stop anytime son - 22 months after birth, i am still struggling with similar problems, getting a warning that laptop will soon run out of power, plugging power cord into socket on said laptop, bloody thing dies two minutes later, then i realise that i havent plugged other end in. using a phone on charge the other day, it cut out in middle of call . . . plug had been placed in 'close proximity' to power source, not even turned on. putting baby teat on bottle from fridge, and screw cap on baby's bottle . . . etc etc etc . . .
Posted by: ruth | 23 June 2009 at 12:00 AM
maybe you could give kate's monster one of your extra toothbrushes?
that would be a very thoughtful regift.
Posted by: tess | 23 June 2009 at 01:36 AM
Happens when you adopt, too. Kids suck the smarts right outta ya. :)
Posted by: Dreamer Mom | 23 June 2009 at 01:38 AM
Too funny! I have always called it "Oatmeal" brain. Once I put bird seed in the cat bowl and left the wrapper on a piece of cheese for a sandwich. I also admit it is the try and try again with confidence and persistence (and get wrong) that truly gets the best of me. I tried to justify it by convincing myself that the child (baby) was getting the focused side of me.
Posted by: Sharon | 23 June 2009 at 02:09 AM
Love the artwork! And, sadly after three kids (the youngest is now 3 1/2), my brain is still mush.
Posted by: Kristin | 23 June 2009 at 02:31 AM
Am now 43 with 3 kids and fear my brain will never recover! Long term memory excellent; short term, uhm what was I talking about?
More pics of the divine baby please!
Posted by: Amy | 23 June 2009 at 05:18 AM
Huh?! You mean that stuff's not normal?! I've been doing crap like that most my life and I'm a man!
Posted by: Stii | 23 June 2009 at 07:20 AM
I am so glad to read that even though 23 months have passed since I last gave birth, I can still use this an excuse. I thought it was just me.
Posted by: BiancaW | 23 June 2009 at 09:44 AM
That reminded me of the day I took my ten day old son to work; my BEST FRIEND was there yet when it came to introduce her to my (ex) husband I COULD NOT REMEMBER HER NAME!!! I will never forget that dreadful feeling; I guess that is somewhat how people with early dementia feel....terrible! My friend and I laugh about it now but my gosh it made me feel really awful!!
Posted by: juliette | 23 June 2009 at 11:29 AM
LOL, sounds familiar.
Love the big teeth
Posted by: Jeanette | 23 June 2009 at 01:36 PM
I'm there with you! I can't remember things, so I write everything down. Even then I'm still only running at 50%.
Posted by: Heather | 23 June 2009 at 01:50 PM
i can remember that my sister was obsessed with monsters (and goblins) for a while when she was about 4. very cute
Posted by: beyond | 24 June 2009 at 07:34 AM
Tertia, I have a 5-month-old son. Before he was born I had never left the car lights on and drained the car battery. I have, to date, left the lights on 6 times; and 2 of those were on the same day. This kid will know how to jump-start the car by the time he's in kindergarten!
Posted by: Meg | 24 June 2009 at 03:50 PM
And did you know, that you one actually loses 4% of your brain mass during and after pregnancy?
Posted by: Robyn | 24 June 2009 at 09:11 PM
Tertia - I am SO glad to hear that I am not the only woman who feel's she lost the majority of her brain after pregnancy. By the way, I would have flipped if I were you, dealing with that internet situation. You handled it well! I am only 35, and ever since I gave birth to my firstborn 3 years ago, my memory has been half as strong as it used to be. Anyone know why that is? I would love to know the science behind why I am feeling the way I do! Believe it or not, I am now pregnant with my second child - I hope it doesn't get worse! I don't know what I'll do. Oh and I have to attach the link to this video I just saw on You Tube - all pooridge brains (and moms in general) will appreciate the video about this "pregnant" mom. I almost peed myself when I watched it for the first time.
Posted by: Renee | 24 June 2009 at 09:38 PM
I have this. Didn't get it with my first, but the past six months since my son have just killed me.
Posted by: KrimoJo | 25 June 2009 at 01:17 AM
My life is like that every day. My family want me to have a brain scan cause they think I have early onset Alzheimers. I had two babies in my 40's. hmmm, not advisable!
Posted by: Tanya | 25 June 2009 at 03:04 PM
hate to break it to you, but after #3 the brain is gone for good....
Posted by: gkk | 26 June 2009 at 01:52 PM