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Oh! He is so smoochy. I want to smooch him.

what a cutie pie!

so adorable!

He is soooooooooooo beautiful!!!

Oh how sweet!

Kissie face! Too sweet!

That is definitely a smile! (He IS very advanced, you know...)

Oh man he is soooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!

Nom nom nom! Just want to eat him up!!!

Adorable! He is so sweet.

Oh my - those cheeks!!!!

Do you smile when you burp? Of course it's a smile....

I think Max is going to be a looker!!!

Why, that is a smile! Look at his eyes, they have a twinkle! He is adorable, and very, very advanced!

That is such a gorgeous little boy :)

A smile if I ever saw one! Child is clearly not only v. advanced, but also shockingly adorable. I just want to pinch those fat cheeks!

I think Max looks alot like Adam already! cute. Enjoy.

Too, too cute - enjoy these first days they go so fast!

He's beautiful Tertia, You're doing a wonderful job. You are very fortunate to have so many experienced advisers. If my blog readers were commenters I'd certainly ask for some baby feeding advice myself, but on the opposite side of the spectrum: My 10 week old son is breastfed and only drinks for about 3 to 7 minutes at a time! I try stretch his feeds to 3 hours so that when he does eat he'll be hungry and take more, but it doesn't seem to be working; he is often in a terrible mood and is currently waking every hour from about 1am! Ridiculous. The paed just wants to put me on drugs to increase my milk production but I know that I have more than enough milk! Argh! Sorry to bring my issues to your special place, but you are spoilt with wonderfully opinionated readers and I just thought they may perhaps have a little advice for me too!

AWWWW!! Oh that first one just slays me! You have such an adorable child. Please nibble those cheeks for me. Sweet, sweet boy!


How sweet. Our baby's 'wind smiles' are real, and we're sticking to our guns. Even if he does do most of them when we're changing his nappy :o)

He is gorgeous!

He is so precious... and that IS a smile of note!!
Feed on demand! Happy baby = happy mommy! Keep going, you're doing great! ;-)

ooo that makes me want a third child, too! he's darling. glad you are following his feeding cues and not some textbook advice.

Eat him up! Delicious!

Gulp. All those thoughts of being done with four just went straight out the window. He's beautiful, Tertia.

I'll bet that he wouldn't be smiling if he wasn't eating whenever he was hungry. Something tells me that grin is to thank the masses that responded favorably to your last post. If he's eating - and pooping - and sleeping - then he's content. And if he's content - then you are doing everything right.

This is experience that you are having is exactly what I wished for you.

(By note to Terri: I breastfed our triplets (who I also supplemented with formula) and I'm still nursing an almost 2-year old, so I've had my fair share of nursing challenges. I would be more than happy to try and help you troubleshoot your breastfeeding issues. You can shoot me an e-mail at [email protected].

He is SOOOOOO cute!! How can you stand it?! No wonder everyone is fighting over who gets to hold him.

Thanks so much, will be in touch and hopefully get my skinny son some chubby cheeks of his own!

oh dear. those cheeks are a bit much! SO SWEET!

I'm only pregnant with my first and it makes me want a third! Oh my word, delicious.

Too too cute! I can see Adam!

He's simply gorgeous!

What a beautiful little face! Made me smile and cheered me up. Thankyou

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